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以合法商业掩护他们走私是走私商经常采用,也是最佳的方法之一。One of the best ways smugglers usually take is

萨德尔和来自伊朗的武器走私商在该地区都有很大势力。Al-Sadr has great sway there, and it's thought that weapons smugglers from Iran do too.

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春秋战国是私商发展的黄金时期。Spring and Autumn and Warring states periods were golden periods of private business development.

泰国警方3月7日确认,俄罗斯军火走私商维克托·布特已经在曼谷落网。Thailand police confirmed Friday that Viktor Bout, a Russian arms dealer, is arrested in Bangkok.

尤其不应允许外国私商来我国插手经营此项业务。Foreign private businessmen in particular shall not be allowed to have a hand in this line of business.

魏教授说,苹果专卖店的正品货会削薄走私商的利润,但无法将他们赶出市场。Professor Wei said the legitimate sales would cut into the smugglers’ profits but would not wipe them out.

私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动。One that trespasses on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.

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私商,无照营业者侵犯贸易垄断企业的人,例如在有特许权公司的经营范围内从事未经许可的贸易活动。One that tres passes on a trade monopoly, as by conducting unauthorized trade in an area designated to a chartered company.

西汉经济发展水准确定了商业的总体规模,从而也限定了私商的发展空间。The level of economic growth in the day restricted the general scale of commerce and limited the space of growth of private commerce.

在国家与私商的博弈中,双方各有多种策略选择,作为主导方的国家通过“试错”找到了最佳策略,在国家与私商之间实现了最优策略均衡。In such conflicts, the State as the leading party found the best strategy and realized a strategic balance between the State and private merchants.

国家与私商的利益冲突导致抑商政策,其目的是将商利从私商转移于国家手中。As a result, conflicts between interests of the State and private merchants led to implementation of a commerceoppressing policy to transfer merchant profits from private merchants to the State.

国家与私商的利益冲突导致抑商政策,其目的是将商利从私商转移于国家手中。As a result, conflicts between interests of the State and private merchants led to implementation of a commerce-oppressing policy to transfer merchant profits from private merchants to the State.