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我考虑要分秒必争。I think every minute counts.

快点!现在分秒必争。Hury up! Every minute now counts.

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在大学里,要分秒必争!Time Management. In college, every seconds count!

我认为时间宝贵,应分秒必争,所以我周密安排好自己的工作。I think every minute counts, so I plan my work carefully.

这些学生们正在为了写完他们的作文而分秒必争的工作。The students are working against time to finish their essay.

是的,分秒必争,因为那场会议非常重要。Yes, every minute counts, for the meeting is very important.

他们正在分秒必争地赶紧翻译那本小说。They are working hard against the clock to translate the novel.

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为了在五点前完成报告,我们一整天都在分秒必争的工作。We worked against the clock all day to get the report done by five.

他分秒必争,试着在期末考前把书念完。He was working against the clock to try to finish studying before the final exam.

有两个层面的困难,你能与别人或分秒必争。There's two levels of difficulty and you can compete against others or race against the clock.

特别是真正上到分秒必争的赛场上,车身重量的高低就显得尤其重要了。In particular is really up to the split-second track on the high and low body weight are particularly important.

谢谢您的夸奖。我会加倍努力工作,分秒必争。报答您和公司的支持。Thank you for your compliments. I will try even harder and work against time to repay the company you're your support.

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比赛中可谓分秒必争,这对于想获得第八次环法冠军的阿姆斯特朗来说是个毁灭性的打击。In a race where every second matters, it was a devastating blow to Armstrong's hopes of winning a record eighth Tour de France.

我感激他使我发现即使是很短的时刻,只要我分秒必争的一头钻进工作,积累起来就成为我需要的特别有用的几个钟头。To him I owe the discovery that even very short periods of time add up to all useful hours I need, if I plunge in without delay.

白衣天使们日以继夜,不眠不休,顶着疲劳与饥渴,分秒必争,只为了挽救更多的生灵。The Angles in white are also bearing the frazzle, hunger and thirsty to save every second and as more lives as possible all the time.

立法委员们分秒必争的从事此项运动,并且他们当中很多人声明他们计划在下月前成立一个委员会来采取行动把这项议案推向前。Legislators are wasting no time in this motion as many have stated that they plan to move forward with committee action by next month.

和癌症的战斗是分秒必争的,为了不耽误治疗之间,林女士女儿的朋友建议她到美国治病。It was very urgent, every minutes count, in order to save Ms Lin's time, her friend suggested her to go to America for medical treatment.

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到了单元今后,我们还要分秒必争地工作,直到我们拖着怠倦的身躯回家,瘫倒在沙发上不想动弹。When arriving at the workplace, we have to work every minute to its full value until we drag home and throw ourselves deep into the sofa.

我的大学生活充实着我奋斗的足迹,我不敢说我是最好的,但至少我能把握每一个机会,分秒必争。My university life full of my struggle, I wouldn't say I was the best, but at least I can seize every opportunity, count every minute and second.

这是几乎任何能力对付的问题,从而使由外国资金的排雷机构的工作紧迫,分秒必争。It's a problem that this country has precious few resources to combat, which makes the work of foreign-funded demining agencies a race against time.