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难说。It's hard to tell.

这有点难说。Well, it's a little hard to say.

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嗯,要是没有了他,难说,well, without him, it's difficult to say,

有些词挺难说的,我十分为她骄傲。There were some tough words. I'm very proud of her.

有时真的还难说清一场争吵是怎样产生的。Sometimes it's hard to tell how a quarrel comes about.

而对于成龙而言,孩子没啥问题,动物就难说了。Jackie Chan is okay with kids. Animals are another story.

然而,寄希望于国内消费者也许是个胜算难说的赌局。Counting on Chinese consumers, however, may not be a sure bet.

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就是,难说,我的意思是,那里有好多地区。And just, it's hard to say, I mean there, there's so many areas.

这可难说,我是说。你怎么能判定什么是对他们好的呢?It's hard to say. I mean. how can you judge what's good for them?

发现这些蒲草纸的重要性怎么夸张都难说过分。The significance of these papyri finds can scarcely be over-exaggerated.

实际上,爱是非常难说清楚的,并且爱是糊涂的。Actually, the love is very difficult to talk clearly and it's a besotted.

对不起,有时候会是我们最难说出口的,一旦说出来一切都释怀了。Sorry is sometimes the hardest word to say, but once said it is liberating.

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但是提前计划有备无患,难说政客们不会拼死一搏。But it pays to plan ahead, just in case the politicians lose the last of their marbles.

因为从来在我们姐弟心里,福州话是最难懂难说的!We had both thought that the Fuzhou dialect was indeed most difficult for anyone to learn.

那些自己挣钱的人可就难说了,因为他们除了钱之外看什么都没有价值。Those who have are hard to talk to be-cause they seem unwilling to value anything but money.

这导致这些人极难说出自己的感受或跟别人普通交流。This causes such humans to have great difficulty verbalizing how they feel or communicating in general.

现在越来越难说,中国在面对全球金融海啸时是否具备足够的免疫力。It is growing harder to say that China is relatively immune from global financial and economic problems.

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本来汕大军训是不会被晒黑的,现在难说了,我活脱脱一个“非洲黑”。Originally Shantou military training will not be tanning, and now hard to say, I Huo Tuotuo an "African black."

如果你觉得我爱你这句话难说出口,就想一想自己吧,想一想你是否真正的最终和爱你自己。If you find it hard to say I love you think about yourself for a moment. Do you actually value and love yourself.

“那可难说了,”男人沉思地说,“你要明白,奥芝是一个伟大的魔术家,他能够随心所欲地变成什么样子。"That is hard to tell, " said the man thoughtfully. "You see, Oz is a Great Wizard, and can take on any form he wishes.