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而这个论战永远不会结束。And that's never gonna end.

你可能听过这样一场论战。You've heard the controversy.

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争论演变成了公开论战。The argument boiled over into open war.

他是政治论战的中心人物。He was a center of a political donnybrook.

这是论战真正开始的地方。And this is where the rubber hits the road.

然而,戈玛自己对论战也并不陌生。Yet Mr Gomaa himself is no stranger to controversy.

比起其他的来,关于冥王星的行星身份的论战也许更多是语义学上的争执。planethood may be more semantic than anything else.

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现在停止所有的论战,因为我们都热爱F1。Now stop with all the polemics , because we love F1.

看来通过每一次论战他都学到了一些经验。In every debate encounter he seems to learn something.

但是她的论战中潜伏着更大的敌意。But there was a larger animosity at work in her polemics.

你应该停止这种论战,别再向大人物们挑衅了。You must stop this quarrelsomeness and not bait great men.

这也是其兄弟,加入论战的时刻。Adeimantus And that is where the brother, Adeimantus, joins in.

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但是,大多数加入这场论战的人并没有看过真正的作品。Most people who join the melee don't actually see the real object.

中苏大论战最大的特点是左倾教条主义。Pinko dogmatism is the most remarkable character of the controversy.

自由党人就是思想太开明而在论战中没立场的人。A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel.

中苏论战产生的影响是多层面的。The effect caused by the polemics between the two sides is many-sided.

再说到中世纪的学院论战,那也多少有着同样的目标。The school disputations of the middle ages had a somewhat similar object.

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他讨厌与宗教的论战并且深深的尊敬着宗教的观点。He hated religious controversy and was deeply respectful of others’ views.

围绕无意象思维实验引发了一场激烈的论战。The experiments of imageless thought triggered a firestorm of controversy.

这也是秋风与薛涌的论战堪称奇怪之处。This very issue actually renders a bit odd the debate between Qiu and Xue.