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英雄联盟有全图吗想看帽子戏法么?Want to see a hat trick?

点击这些标志去看它的全图。Click on the logo to see it full size.

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吾曾使用,数千之全图。I have used over a thousand Map Hacks.

故,其姿常独自沉醉于测试新全图之中。Have withstood lonely to test new Map Hacks.

画了斜线的部分占全图的凡分之几?What fraction of the whole diagram is shaded?

变换图的概念由全图推广而来。Transformation graphs come from the total graph.

请给我一张台北市的街道全图。I'd like a comprehensive street map of Taipei, please. �

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把鼠标指向小图,然后等待全图下载并显示在右框。Mouse over small picture and wait full picture to display.

在此附上比赛得分及作品全图。Here it is the results and full view photos of their works.

为召唤师幽灵漫步中敌方宙斯是否死亡进行判断进行检测。魔兽全图下载。Added a check if enemy Zeus is dead when Invoker is Ghost Walking.

图中另外2张聚焦图仅有全图的千分之一大。Two other views focus on just one-thousandth of the full field of view.

计算涂颜色部分占全图的百分之。Calculate the percentage of the coloured region of the region of the whole diagram.

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以文字写出涂颜色部分占全图的几分之几。Write in words the fraction which represents the coloured region of the whole diagram.

它读取的联系和表视,其实张姓女孩起名字大全图显示它内置的生领域和期字段。It reads the built-in Birthday field and Date field from Contacts and displays it in table view.

在全图搜索和邻域搜索中,提出了人脸相似度矩阵以进行有效的搜索。In the full image search and local search, the similarity matrix is introduced to help matching faces efficiently.

萧吉广罗蒐集大量的文献,以全图建构其对于空间分割的论点。Through gathering plenty of documents, Xiao Jie attempted to establish his points of views in correlative thought.

相册的第二项功能是允许用户单击缩略图来查看全图。The second function of your album is allowing the user to click on a thumbnail and get a blown-up version of the photo.

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全图绘年龄不同、姿态各异、姿态各异、神情有别的妇女十二人,分成三组劳作场面,极富生活情趣。There are twelve women of different ages in the picture, each one with various postures and expressions on their faces.

子图检索方法较全图检索方法精度有了进一步的提高。Compares with the total-graph retrieval method, the precision of sub-graph retrieval method has the further enhancement.

最后,所多玛和蛾摩拉的阴影潜入,释放开了同性之爱旋动的陀螺,至此全图得以完整。Until finally , to complete the picture , the shadow of Sodom and Gomorrah unleashes the whirligig of loves between the same sex.