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木讷的接受着亲吻。Muna acceptance of a kiss.

那个木讷的男人走了进来。The dumber man walked out.

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我木讷地摇了摇头。I simple-hearted shook his head.

我发现自己有时躁动不安,有时木讷迟钝。I also find myself either agitated or slowed down.

不悲不喜,木讷的双眼,复杂的情绪。Do not like is not sad, dull eyes, complex emotions.

朱迪非常内向而木讷,因而很难使人了解她。Judy is so reserved that it is hard to understand her.

我也喜欢你木讷日本的武士道,还有空手道。I also like your stiff Japanese Bushido, as well as karate.

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木讷了,抑郁了,生命好像只有呼吸,没有活力。Muna , depression, only seems to breathe life, no vitality.

男孩注定就会比他们的姐妹们乏味、肥胖和木讷吗?Do boys have to be bored, fat and dumber than their sisters?

一谈到女人我就有些木讷,我不了解她们想要什么。I'm clueless when it comes to women. I have no idea what they want.

一谈到女人我就有些木讷,我不了解她们想要什么。I’m clueless when it comes to women. I have no idea what they want.

朋友和他的妻子站起来,木讷地走过家人。My friend and his wife stood up and walked numbly past their family.

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外国人的公开指责的和木讷德国人的所见一样冷静。What foreigners denounce as cluelessness Germans see as cool-headedness.

感觉自己过得很空洞,感觉自己在人际关际方面太木讷了。I felt empty for my self, i feel i am so foolish to get along with others.

如果你来自西方,面对一个东方人有点木讷的情感方式,你又是怎么看待的呢?If you are from the west, what do you think of the east reserved in nature?

但是木讷的席格缺少李小龙的亲和力。正是这点使李小龙拥有无数粉丝。But the dull Seagal lacks the personal appeal that endeared Lee to his many fans.

那么木讷的一个人,竟有这样温柔细密的心事。She could barely believe that such a dumb man as he was would be so considerate and thoughtful.

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儿子忽然觉得父亲的表情不再木讷了,像实验水一样的父亲仿佛又增添了新的死力。Son suddenly feel father's expression, like Harper, no longer the same father dead as if added new energy.

他的个性沉默木讷,也很少接受电视访问因为英语是他的第二语言。He's quiet, unemotional and rarely does televised interviews because he speaks English as a second language.

她是一个阴沉而木讷的怪物,但她的随从怪物却逗得我们捧腹大笑,特别是那只双头怪物。She is a sombre, humourless monster although some of her henchman, especially one with two heads, give us a laugh.