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不容易呀。Not easy.

非常容易赢.Very easy win.

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太不容易了。It was not easy.

这做起来并不容易。This is not easy.

来得容易,去得快。Easy come,easy go.

很容易理解。So this is simple.

辄来的容易,去的快。Easy come, easy go.

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我很容易被逗乐。I'm easily tickled.

它非常容易反应。It's very reactive.

鸡蛋容易压碎。Eggs crushes easily.

它太容易拗弯了。It bends too easily.

我很容易便晒黑。Because I tan easily.

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这可能并不容易。It might not be easy.

你容易长雀斑吗?Do you freckle easily?

干木容易燃烧。Dry wood burns easily.

它不容易松弛下陷。It doesn's sag easily.

银容易擦亮。Silver burnishes well.

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这种染料容易渗进去。The dye sinks in well.

这个女孩容易疲劳。The girl tires easily.

这把弓容易弯。This bow bends easily.