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事情了结的时候,他一定跑不了。He must be in at the finish.

我们之间的关系了结了!Everything is finished between us!

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你知道,基尔斯,我的那个案子还没有了结。Giles, my case is not settled yet.

我的朋友们,这必须来个了结。My friends, this must come to an end.

我就盼死神来了结我的天年。Then look I death my days should expiate.

你知道,基尔斯,我的那个案子还没有了结。You see, Giles, my case is not settled yet.

一切了结了,他向大海走去。All is over, he was walking towards the sea.

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整个事情现已封锁起来,就此了结了。The whole matter is now sealed up and finished.

她抛弃了结发二十五年的丈夫。She walked out on her husband of twenty-five years.

更可能的是,精明投资者很可能会抛售黄金而获利了结。If anything, the smart money is likely to take profits.

也许在偏僻的山谷里,在一棵白橡树上自我了结。Down in some lonesome valley, hangin' from a white oak tree.

所以我了结了一个已经获胜的官司,重新投入到工作中。So I settled a case I had already won and went back to work.

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若数据高于50,市场将会有正面回应.但若表现令人失望,则可能会涌现获利了结卖压.If we get a number above 50, the markets will react positively.

少年维特最终以了结生命结束了故事。Young Werther eventually ends his live as the end of the story.

其他人会留意到,这也许与了结一切的心态有关。Others would note that maybe it had something to do with closure.

我更曾一度以为,我的仇恨,我的最爱,都尽以在此一一了结。I've ever weened that the hatred and my love would be droped here.

我最近一直忙于了结训练班的事。I have been very busy settling up things about the training course.

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我想到那时市场才会出现一波适度的获利了结抛售股票之风。It is here that I can imagine seeing a decent bout of profit-taking.

弗林尼说,她现在最后悔的事情就是没有了结自己的生命。Freaney said her only regret was that she had not taken her own life.

他遇到了点儿麻烦,我得替他把这事了结掉。He has had a bit of trouble, and I have to straighten it out for him.