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新反射弧的中枢神经调节Central nervous modulation of new reflex arc

大于通气阈强度运动后易使中枢神经细胞产生疲劳。More ventilatory threshold intensity can make the brain cells tired.

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综合通信系统是舰船的“中枢神经”。The integrated communication system is the nervous centralis of naval vessels.

观察双足运动时中枢神经的应激性是否有性别上的差异?Sex Differences in Spinal Excitability during Observation of Bipedal Locomotion.

某些中枢神经元通过分叉轴突向两个以上核团投射。Some central neurons project to two or more target nuclei via their branched axons.

金丝桃素有抑制中枢神经和镇静作用,用作中枢神经抑制剂和抗抑郁症。The hypericin can inhibit nerve center and can be used as anti-depression medicine.

成年哺乳动物的中枢神经受伤后无法自行再生。Axons of the central nervous system in adult mammals do not regenerate spontaneously after axotomy.

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首先,考虑对中枢神经的报偿机制的最新研究进展的了解是必不可少的。First, it is imperative that recent advances in the understanding of neural reward pathways be considered.

在这个战场上,我们也要研究战略和战术,如何才能兵不血刃地攻击敌方的中枢神经。In the battlefield of culture we have to work out strategies that are able to hit a nerve of our opponents.

另外,目前已研发出能直接调节与上瘾有关的大脑中枢神经的药剂。In addition, pharmaceutical agents have been developed that deal directly with the brain’s addiction centers.

挥发烃对人的皮肤、眼睛及粘膜有一定刺激作用,并对人的中枢神经也有影响。Volatilized hydrocarbon has some of stimulation to skin, eye and mucosa, and a little effect on centrum nerve.

颈部血管超音波与脑部磁振造影均显示右侧椎动脉发育不全,尚无其他中枢神经性的病灶。Duplex scanning of neck vessels and magnetic resonance images revealed right VAH instead of other central lesions.

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桂皮酰胺类化合物,具有中枢神经抑制、催眠、镇静、抗惊厥等多种生理作用。Cinnamamide Compounds possess inhibition, hypnotic, Sedative and anticonvulsive activity in central nervous system.

结论滋肾调肝方对多动症大鼠中枢神经递质具有一定的调节作用。Conclusions The herb of nourishing kidney and liver can regulate the content of the central nerve transmitters of SHR.

然而,中枢神经细胞瘤增强后更常出现强化,更多样的囊性变。Neurocytomas, however, more reliably enhance after contrast administration, and have a more heterogeneous cystic appearance.

目的探索柴胡对肝郁证大鼠中枢神经递质的作用。Objective To explore the effect of Radix Bupleuri on the central monoamine neurotransmitters of rats with Liver-qi Stagnation.

歌唱呼吸的运动过程,是人体发声器官在大脑中枢神经控制下,各部分相互配合、协调运动的过程。Singing respiration is the process of coordination of all the vocal organs in singing under the control of the central nervous system.

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环孢素A不用于合并中枢神经受累的白塞病患者,除非有眼内炎症。Ciclosporine A should not be used in BD patients with central nervous system involvement unless necessary for intraocular inflammation.

本文认为MCV和BAEP对早期诊断糖尿病患者的周围神经病变和中枢神经病变是有价值的。This study indicated that MCV and BAEP might be valuable in the early diagnosis of diabetic peripheral neuropathy and central neuropathy.

2001年,一项麦吉尔大学一项实验用脑部扫描来研究兴奋的中枢神经结构,一些伟大的音乐就是在这里被激发出来的。A 2001 experiment at McGill College used brain scans to study the neural mechanics of the goosebumps that great music can sometimes induce.