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1973年的赎罪日战争使这种变化板上钉钉。The 1973 Yom Kippur War put the seal on the shift.

斯坦普尔的命运在他走进办公室的第二天就板上钉钉了。Stempel's fate was sealed on his second day in office.

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“你怎么会错失那场比赛的?几乎都板上钉钉了!”法拉回忆起球迷的说法。“How could you lose that match? You had him!” Falla recalled fans saying.

在这方面我们仍然在做测试和平衡方面的的工作,没有什么是板上钉钉的。Of course, we are still testing and balancing this, and nothing is set in stone.

律师团认为,这一次,司法部必须得拿出板上钉钉的证据才能告倒高盛。Lawyers said the Justice Department would need a very strong case to defeat Goldman.

不论一个人是否赞同他的“重新诠释”,它都几乎是板上钉钉的。Whether or not one agrees with his re-interpretations, it is impossible not to be riveted.

尤文图斯门将布丰坚信,球队在这个赛季结束时升回甲级会是板上钉钉的事。Juventus goalkeeper Gigi Buffon insists promotion from Serie B is a near certainty this season.

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在一场比赛中看起来他们碰杯是板上钉钉的事了,而下一场比赛他们就可能三球完败。In one game they'll look dead-certs to lift the trophy, in the next they'll be three goals down.

如果说除了生命,死亡和纳税,还有什么板上钉钉的事实,那就是LibreOffice套件得他喵的换个新界面了!Of the certainties in life, such as life, death and taxes, is the fact that LibreOffice needs a new interface.

尽管这看起来好象是板上钉钉的,但互联网革命却渗透到其他商业和金融中。That seems deterministic. But the internet revolution really did spill over into the rest of business and finance.

虽然热议不断,但对Sotomayor女士的提名程序仍然启动了,获得参议院确认对她而言几乎就是板上钉钉的事情。Yet for all the heat Ms Sotomayor’s nomination is generating, she will almost certainly be confirmed by the Senate.

贝拉警告阿森纳这群天赋卓绝的年轻球员,他们在酋长球场取得成功并非板上钉钉。Carlos Vela has warned Arsenal's talented youngsters that there are no guarantees they will succeed at Emirates Stadium.

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上赛季的篮板王早就是板上钉钉的事情了,现在他只是在变得更好。Last season's leading rebounder has already developed into a stud, and he is only going to get better as the years pass.

利比亚没有爆出任何新的消息,但该地区可能出现相似的动荡情况则看来是板上钉钉。While there is a lack of any fresh news out of Libya, the potential for contagion in the region seems to be a certainty.

比利时国内风向的突然变动,也令原本板上钉钉的巴黎银行收购计划旁生波折。Belgium's sudden change in wind direction home, that clinches it had also Bank of Paris plans to buy side twists and turns.

我在伦敦还没碰到一个人认为希斯罗机场扩建计划已经板上钉钉,没有协商的余地了。I haven't come across a soul in London who does not believe the Heathrow expansion is a done deal and the consultation fixed.

从现在来看,红牛收购米纳第车队已经是板上钉钉的事情,这就是说未来在比赛中若干车队会出现同属某老板麾下的局面。It is irreversible that Red Bull buys Minardi. That means in the upcoming season, the both teams are under command of the same boss.

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我认为所有的问题都在于他的家人,如果他们对于曼城生活感到舒适,那么特维斯留下来就是板上钉钉的事了。I think it all boils down to his family. If they feel comfortable about moving to Manchester then there's every chance he will stay at Manchester.

十年之前,克氏已发评论,档控制互联网之努力必会失败,此为板上钉钉的事。Bill Clinton famously remarked a decade ago that the efforts of Chinese leaders to control the Internet were doomed, akin to "nailing Jell-O to a wall.

奥巴马的顾问表示,尽管希拉里没有正式受任国务卿一职,但提名希拉里担任国务卿应该是板上钉钉,并且该任命可能将在感恩节假日后宣布。Mr. Obama’s advisers said that although no offer had been formally accepted, her nomination was “on track” and would probably be announced after the holiday.