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建立了HPLC法测定全缘千里光碱脂质体凝胶剂的含量。HPLC method was established for the determination ofintegerrimine liposome gel.

经MP、IR鉴定的结果判定,白色粉末状物为倒千里光裂碱-活性酯结合的季铵盐。The white powder was quatermary salt of retronecine ester identified by MP, IR.

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新疆千里光分布于新疆省,北美洲亦有。Senecio jacobaea L. is found in Xinjiang province of China also in North America.

多种千里光属植物中的一种,有伞状,且通常为黄色的头状花序。Any of various plants of the genus Senecio, having rayed, usually yellow flower heads.

一些像海岸琴颈草、普通苍耳、矮燕草、普通千里光的植物都对人类或动物有一定风险。With names like coast fiddleneck, common cocklebur, low larkspur and common groundsel all present risks to people or animals.

千里光属一种菊科千里光这个大属的草木植物,有黄色花冠,尤指北美洲东部生长的金色千里光和欧洲生长的雅克宾千里光。Senecio in the composite family, having yellow flower heads, especially S. aureus of eastern North America and S. jacobaea of Europe.

本文就菊科中的两个大属蒿属和千里光属植物中一类典型倍半萜成分——桉烷型倍半萜的光谱特征进行综述。The large cosmopolitan genus Senecio, a perennial medicinal herb of the family compositae, has been utilized as a anthmicrobial agent.

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千里光含有肝毒性成分吡咯里西啶类生物碱,其存在的潜在风险受到普遍关注。Senecio liver toxic components contain pyrrolizidine alkaloids. Their existence has been generally concerned about the potential risks.

它们能在肝脏内经酯的水解和千里光次碱基的去饱和被活化为活性亲电吡咯细胞毒素。They can be activated in the liver by hydrolysis of the ester and desaturation of the necine base to reactive electrophilic pyrrolic CYTOTOXINS.

第三部分报道双花千里光茎、和叶花的挥发油成分分析。The latter part is about the chemical constituents of essential oil extracted from stems, leaves and flowers of S. dianthus with steam distillation.

综述了国内近年来对千里光化学成分、药理作用、毒理作用、临床研究及分析方法的研究状况。Summarize the constituents, pharmacologically , toxicokinetic, clinical research and analytical method of the Senecio scandens Buch-Ham. on the world.

采用有机溶剂浸提法,以千里光花黄色素特征吸光度值为指标,探讨了千里光花黄色素的提取条件和稳定性。The extraction conditions and stability of Senecio pigment were studied using Senecio flowers yellow pigment characteristic absorbance value as index.

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本文就菊科中的两个大属蒿属和千里光属植物中一类典型倍半萜成分——桉烷型倍半萜的光谱特征进行综述。This paper reviews the spectral features of a typical sesquiterpenoid eudesmanemerged as the main components in the large genus Artemisia and Senecio of family Compositae.

这表明千里光碱对体外培养的小鼠胚胎有明显的毒性作用,说明妊娠期暴露于该化合物中会对胎儿具有潜在的毒性。It can be concluded that senecionine had obvious fetotoxicity in vitro WEC culture. It indicates that exposure of pregnant mice to senecionine may have potential risk on fetals.

文章对千里光的理化性质、化学成分、药理作用、毒理及实际应用等方面的最新研究进展进行了综述。The recent advances in physiochemical properties, chemical constituents, pharmacology, toxicology and practical applications of Senecio scandens Buch. -Ham. have been reviewed in this paper.

中草药千里光具有清热解毒、明目退翳、杀虫止痒、散瘀消肿等功效,被用于广谱抗菌药物在临床上广泛使用。Senecio was used in traditional Chinese medicine to treat ophthalmic diseases, inflammation, and leptospirosis, and used as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents widely used in clinical practice.

结论千里光的抗金黄色葡萄球菌作用机制可能是通过抑制细菌的DNA,RNA,蛋白质和肽聚糖的合成有关,其作用的有效成分可能是黄酮类化合物。ConclusionThe antibacterial mechanism of SSB on S. aureus may be involved with the inhibition of DNA, RNA, protein and peptidoglycan synthesis, its effective ingredients may be flavonoid compound.