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之后,记者来到了广场南侧的皇朝娱乐城。After the reporter came to the plaza south of the Dynasty Casino.

他们结成一种不太稳定的伙伴关系去抵抗比他们强大很多的由曹操领导的汉皇朝军队。They forge an uneasy partnership to resist the much- larger Han Empire forces led by Cao.

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明皇朝的开国皇帝明太祖朱元璋,是中国历史上唯一的平民皇帝。Thu Yuanzhang was the first emperor and the only plebeian emperor of the Chinese history.

艺术节观众,身着日本皇朝服饰巡游,通过东京的购物区。Festival goers dressed in Japanese imperial dynasty costumes parade through Tokyo's shopping districts.

为了建立一个继承信托,必须首先建立一个空的不可撤销的皇朝信托。In order to establish an inheritor’s trust, an empty, irrevocable dynasty trust must be established first.

隋唐五代,少数民族史家在皇朝主流史学队伍中占有重要位置。During the periods of Sui, Tang and Five Dynasties, minority historians became influential among mainstream historians.

明前期,皇朝海外关系是建立在“宣威柔远”政治目的基础之上的。In early Ming times the Dynasty's foreign relations was based on the political aim of displaying power and appeasing aliens.

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鸦片战争的失败,彻底地暴露了以满清皇朝为代表的封建中华帝国的腐朽没落。The failure of the Opium War, completely exposed to the Manchu dynasty, represented by the decay of the feudal Chinese empire.

在这16年的一头一尾,唐皇朝最高统治集团内部出现了两次影响政局的重大清洗。In these 16 years, a 1, the rule of the Tang dynasty the highest impact within the group there were two major political cleansing.

秦皇朝倒行逆施的行为,极大地摧残了工商业的正常发展,加之其它因素,终使其走向灭亡。The Qin dynasty was doomed to perish because that the perverse acts had great damage to normal development of industry and commerce.

对于朱元璋为何从一个农村放牛娃、庙宇里的小沙弥,一跃成为定鼎天下并建立大明皇朝的开国皇帝,历史学界向来众说纷纭。The historians always have different opinions on the reasons Zhu Yuanzhang from a cowherd, a monk to the established Ming dynasty emperor.

多年来与补给无忧的皇朝之间的持续冲突使得雷纳的势力灯尽油枯,成为风中残影。Years of skirmishing with the inexhaustible resources of the Dominion has whittled down Raynor's forces to a shadow of their former selves.

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此时代,除皇朝外,另有蓝花及绿龙两个家族的势力存在。This time the generation, besides the dynasty, in addition has the plumbago auriculata and the green dragon two family's influence existence.

然而,他们看到的中国还在清王朝统治之下,而这个中国历史上最后一个皇朝,在一年之内便灭亡了。Yet within a year, the Qing dynasty, the last Chinese imperial house which still ruled the country that Fullerton and Wilson saw, had fallen.

所以人们争议了几个世纪什么才是正统,直到四世纪初,君士坦丁大帝,他的皇朝延续了很长时间。So you have debates about orthodoxy for centuries, but it's with Constantine in the beginning of the fourth century, and he had a long dynasty.

下个月我就要来迎娶你们雪槿皇朝的涟韵公主了,到时候一定把你的礼物给你带来。The next month I must come ripple rhyme princess who got married your snow jin dynasty, when the time comes brought certainly yours gift to you.

与辽、金、西夏等皇朝一样,元代的政治功绩在初期大都经由武力而得。And Liao, Jin, Western Xia Dynasty and so on, as the political achievements of the Yuan Dynasty in the early through the use of force are derived.

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当人民的切开月饼发现这条信息时,他们在安排好的那天起义并推翻了蒙古皇朝,因此终止了元代。When the people cut open the cakes and found the message, they set out on that appointed day to overthrow the Mongols, thus ending the Yuan dynasty.

这种统通观全局、总揽南北的记述,显然只有在统一皇朝之下,消除了相互仇视情绪,才能做到。Such a holistic integration that dominate the north and south of the account, apparently only under a unified dynasty, eliminating the mutual hatred emotions can.

然通观其帝纪后论,则清晰地揭示了东汉皇朝从中兴走向衰亡的几个转折,堪称卓识。However, on the whole, the comments was with outstanding insight because it explicitly revealed the several turning-points from reviving to decline of East Han Dynasty.