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他们是文明的先导者。They were in the van of civilization.

世界喷码与打标技术的先导!Leading the World in Coding and Marking!

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看来,宏正自动科技是先导的雅威。It seems Aten is the forerunner of Yahweh.

错误常常是正确的先导。Error is often the precursor of what is correct.

减压阀有直动型和先导型两种。Valves are direct acting and pilot-type two kinds.

这段视频显示出多个负极梯级先导。The video shows multiple, negative stepped leaders.

经济改革要以经济理论的发展为先导。Guiding role of economic theorization in the reforms.

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当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群先导奚弄他。副作用。The crowd jeered when the kick boxer was knocked down.

一部分暗淡的分叉显示出闪亮的反冲先导。Some of the dim branches exhibit bright recoil leaders.

如果说新近几星期是个先导,那么估计销售前景不甚乐观。If recent weeks are a guide, sales are likely to be poor.

进口油用减压阀属于先导活塞式减压阀。Oil reducing valve belongs to the pilot valve piston valve.

正极先导起初非常暗淡,分叉很多。The positive leader is very dim and highly branched at first.

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解放思想是加快发展的先导。Emancipates forerunner who the mind speeds up the development.

一秒长的照亮是由一个快速的下行直窜先导激发的。A second brightening is caused by a fast, downward dart-leader.

平行四边形,先导系统,肘节式操纵。Parekkekogram type, pilot valve control system, toggle control.

第一件事,你想要做的就是钻一个先导孔在正确的位置。First thing you want to do is drill a pilot hole in the right location.

这次闪电是一个负极梯级先导,它是从一架飞机上拍下的。This lightning, a negative stepped leader, was filmed from an airplane.

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所有低压先导式通气阀都采用软阀座以保证高度紧密性。All low-pressure pilot vent valves are soft seated for premium tightness.

它对以禅喻诗习气的形成具有先导作用。Besides, it led to the formation of the "comparing poems to Dhyana" habit.

理论创新是其他一切创新的基础和先导。Creativity of theory is the base and the precursor for other creativities.