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那幅画逼真。That painting approximates reality.

很逼真的。那蛇纹很像真的。、。It's so lifelike. That's real snake.

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这些影雕作品非常逼真。These Yingdiao are very true to life.

我需要世界设定来让我跑团的时候感觉更逼真。I need a game setting to feel realistic.

它灰暗色,满是灰尘,但十分逼真。It was dark and dusty and very realistic.

他能逼真地模仿狮子吼。He gives a good imitation of a lion's roar.

刻工精细又很逼真。Very fine detail, and a good likeness, too.

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这种图像与实物大小相同但并不逼真。The images are life-size yet not truly lifelike.

这样就形成了逼真小客体的部份地位。This forms part of the position of the lathouse.

他对南太平洋上的日落作了生动逼真的描写。He drew a word picture of a South Pacific sunset.

那尊雕像的姿态和神情都十分逼真。That status's posture and expression is very vivid.

这件雕塑品很逼真,富有生气。The sculpture is true to life and full of vitality.

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陶俑形象逼真,与原物一样大小。The terracotta figures are life-like and life-sized.

现场报导逼真地再现了抢劫的全过程。The live coverage reproduced the robbery to the life.

她没有责任去确保世俗的精确和逼真。She has no duty to earthly accuracy or verisimilitude.

其形象逼真生动,富有生活情趣。The image of realistic-looking, full of zest for life.

这幅湘竹画得十分逼真。This painting of mottled bamboos is really true to life.

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故事必须有逼真的事物让多数人感兴趣。Stories must have verisimilitude to interest most people.

当他们尿的过程中,这两个雕塑看起来非常逼真。While they are peeing, the two figures move realistically.

你的工作室能使用显得逼真的3D影像吗?Could your workplace use 3-D images -- that appear realistic?