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但它们必须要被铲除么?Must it be weeded out?

铲除移民们的魔法世界。Ridding the magic world of immigrants.

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他们铲除坟上的杂草,再将在坟顶堆上新鲜的土。They weeded the mounds and piled fresh dirt atop.

让我们铲除祸根,把他们赶到大海去!Let's knock down those hydras and drive them to the sea!

那一年他们铲除了20多个恶霸。They did away with more than 20 local despots that year.

一般要收拾整齐,长势弱的苗子要铲除掉。Generally they are tidied up and any weak growth is removed.

从理论上铲除极端民主化的根苗。In the sphere of theory, destroy the roots of ultra-democracy.

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中国一直未能铲除喇嘛教是一大败笔。It is a great failure that China did not erased Lamaism in Tibet.

军方如何要将其这段记忆连根铲除实在让人深感不寻常。It really is extraordinary how the Army has extirpated his memory.

拥有了知识和智慧就能够把恶势力从这个世界上铲除。With knowledge and wisdom, evil could be vanquished on this earth.

“父亲,你也认为帕特里克应该铲除?”埃斯特尔问。"Father, do you think Patrick should be eliminated?" Estelle asked.

工人以犁耙铲除已漂到海滩上岸的油水珠。Workers rake up globs of oil, which have come ashore on the beaches.

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到18世纪40年代初,大西洋西海域的海盗已被铲除。By the early 1740s, piracy had been eliminated from the western Atlantic.

希望她赚取更多的钱,能够成功解决难题,铲除一切顽症!Earn more money and be able to manage the affairs and uproot any problems!

然后是艰辛的铲除工作,我们需要把所有的葡萄皮和果籽铲除到压榨机中!Then the hard work of shovelling the skins and pips into the press begins!

毛派武装斗争的基本目标就是铲除君主制。A cornerstone of the Maoists' armed struggle was abolition of the monarchy.

代办参谋倡议校正者想出一个铲除恶习的计谋。The vice-adviser advised the reviser to devise a device forgetting rid of vice.

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铲除鸦片的努力将鸦片种植户挤压到了这个国家的边缘地带。Eradication efforts have forced poppy farmers into the margins of the countryside.

土耳其扬言要侵入,铲除袭击土耳其境内的库尔德分裂分子。The Turks threaten an incursion to root out separatist Kurds who attack inside Turkey.

这是我对你的祈求,我的主--请你铲除,铲除我心里贫乏的根源。赐给我气力使我能轻闲地承受欢乐与忧伤。This is my prayer to thee, my lord---strike, strike at the root of penury in my heart.