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你有儿女情。You have your family love.

他要他迷失的儿女被寻回。He wants his lost children found!

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一部新儿女英雄传。Hero of a new children is passed.

人各有志,不必强求,对儿女也是如此。It is the same with our children.

陈小凤是贫民的儿女。Chen Xiaofeng was a poor farm girl.

惜了棍棒,害了儿女。Spare the rod and spoiled the child.

他撇下了妻子儿女。He left his wife and children behind.

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汤姆为有妻室儿女而感到幸福。Tom is happy in his wife and children.

一座小古屋,妻子,儿女。A small old house, wife, daughter, son.

他对妻子儿女很好。He was kind with his wife and children.

哀悼苍天的那些夭逝的儿女!Lamenting the dead children of the air.

大象和孙儿女最记仇。Elephants and grandchildren never forget.

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细述着儿女们的美妙生活。Fine with their children of wonderful life.

史密斯先生为他的儿女辛劳。Mr Smith toiled for this children's behoof.

她喋喋不休地谈论她的儿女。She clattered on and on about her children.

上帝真会这样对待他的儿女吗?Does God really treat his children that way?

和望着儿女们的笑交织着。And looking at their children laugh was woven.

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你会好起来的,我亲爱的儿女!坚强些!You will be ok, my dear daughter! Be stronger!

他们知道了他们自己儿女的过失。They perceived the faults of their own children.

图中是家长在南京毗卢寺为儿女祈祷通过高考的许愿卡。This is a prayer note in Pilu Temple in Nanjing.