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是否穿礼服自便。Formal dress is optional.

自便哦,希望您能吃得开心。Help yourself, I hope you enjoy it.

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你们想继续打架的话,就自便好了。Go on and keep fighting if you want.

请自便,别畏畏缩缩的。Please help yourself, don't hang back.

是的,她请我们自便,呆着或做其他的。yeah, help yourself, stay or whatever.

我们可以开始吃了吗?请自便。Yeah, shall we start? Please help yourself.

我写信的时候,各位能否自便?Can you amuse yourselves while I write some letters?

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我们供应很多种饮料,请自便。We serve many kinds of drinks. Please help yourself.

我不知道你喜欢什么,请你自便。I don't know your preference, so please help yourself.

假如粪量不够还请自便!If mucky quantity still asks as one pleases not quite!

她不想谈话时,我们就听其自便吧。When she doesn’t feel like talking, we just let her be.

教授让大家自便,随意喝点咖啡。Professor let everyone own devices, free to drink coffee.

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我随时都可以走,怎么安排,请自便。I can go at any time, so suit yourself regarding arrangements.

扫罗来自便雅悯支派,他是以色列的第一个王。He was from the tribe of Benjamite and was the first King of Israel.

水少宫主还请自便,老子不送了!The water little temple god still feels at family, Lao Tze doesn't mail!

我们提供很多种饮料,请自便。We serve ma sorts of drinks. Pleautomotive service engineers help yourself.

恐怕我不能长时间陪你。你来后就请自便吧。I can't afford the time to accompany you long. Just make yourself at home when you come.

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不过我无意和日本人打交道,还请他自便!However I ain't intentional to make contact with with Japanese, also invite him to do as one pleases!

很抱歉,那些坐在后面的同学,想往前面来的请自便,我们已经做好准备,让我们去试一下,我们接下来将要做的就是。All right. So we've got it now let's test it. So we're going to do here we're going to run compare methods.

如果你想生活在资本主义之下,那么自便,那是你们的问题,你们的内部事务,我们并不关心。If you want to live under capitalism, go ahead, that�s your question, an internal matter, it doesn�t concern us.