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用丝弦的乐器。With stringed instruments.

这是我在王鹏老师的工厂自己弹的丝弦琴。May I know who taught you this piece?

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不过,丝弦二胡真的已经毫无价值了吗?However, is silk-string Er-Hu really valueless?

这歌交与歌咏长,用丝弦的乐器。For the choir director, with my stringed instruments.

亚萨的诗歌,交与伶长,用丝弦的乐器。For the director of music. With stringed instruments.

丝弦,是河北省一个古老的地方剧种。Silk string, is an ancient place in Hebei Province opera.

他将丝弦改为钢弦丝,同时把定弦提高了。He changed the silk strings to steel ones, and raised the tones.

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它拥有六根弦的带品乐器,其中五根弦为钢丝弦,一根为铜丝弦。It is a fretted lute with six strings, five of steel and one of brass.

方素心,居士,素心丝弦创始人,蚕丝冰弦的唯一生产者,曾从事金融、教育行业。Ms Suxin Fang, a lay Buddhist, founder of Suxin Silk Strings. She is world's only ice silk string maker.

石家庄丝弦中的旦角从过去发展到今天,应该是各个行当中变化最大的。From the past to today, the role of Dan of Shijiazhuang Si'xian opera has the biggest change in all roles.

耶和华肯救我、所以我们要一生一世、在耶和华殿中用丝弦的乐器、唱我的诗歌。The LORD will save me, and we will sing with stringed instruments all the days of our lives in the temple of the LORD.

常德丝弦植根于湖湘文化沃土之中,是中国民族民间曲艺音乐艺术中影响较大的曲种之一。Changde Sixian, rooted in the rich soil of Hunan Province, is one of the rather influential forms in chinese national folk music.

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康熙年间,丝弦戏在束鹿就已遍于闾里,乾隆年间,曾在北京向清王朝献艺。Emperor Kangxi, silk string plays in Shulu been times in the Lv Li, Qianlong period, he performed in Beijing in the Qing Dynasty.

丝弦唱腔以真声唱字,然后旋律向上大跳翻高,再用假声拖腔,旋律顺级下行。Silk string with real singing voice to sing the words, and then perform the melody turned up high, and then drag falsetto accent, melody Shun-level downward.

分别张上真丝弦丶尼龙钢丝弦丶和复合弦的三张古琴并轮流换上不同的弦,重复测试。One will be strung with silk, the other with nylon-metal, the third with composite strings. The strings will then be moved onto another instrument and the test repeated.

惯于操丝弦的琴人都知道,这种音色是在尼龙钢丝弦或复合弦上找不到的。People who regularly play with silk strings know very clearly that neither nylon-metal strings nor the new composite strings are capable of producing such varied color from repeating one note.