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傍晚天空的颜色是一片火红和橘黄相间。The evening sky flamed with red and orange.

目的探讨金橘黄酮的抗氧化效果。ObjectiveTo study the antioxidant effect of kumquat flavonoids.

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他的狗的颜色是非常淡的橘黄,淡到几乎成白的了。His dog is real light orange, so light orange he's almost white.

果实与覆盆子相近,但颜色更偏橘黄。The fruit looks similar to raspberries, but are more orange in color.

如选用淡紫色、淡黄、米黄、橘黄、淡粉、浅咖啡色等。If choose lilac, weak yellow, cream -colored, orange, weak pink, light coffee color, wait.

这面墙不知道什么原因染成了一片层次丰富的橘黄,配着蓝色的窗棱很好看。I've no idea why the wall was tinged yellow. It looks nice and match with the blue windowsill.

这些贝的体色从橘红,橘黄,浅黄到褐色有所差异。The color of these shells varies from orange to orangey-yellow, pale yellow to brownish in color.

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那一片为了守住绿色而泻下的橘黄,带给我的,已不再只是灿烂。In order to hold onto a piece of the green and the orange diarrhea, to me, were no longer just brilliant.

以柑橘皮为原料,提取油溶性橘黄素色素,并对其稳定性进行探讨。In this study, the stability of oil-soluble pigment, which was extracted from orange peel, was determined.

桃红、橘黄、宝蓝、翠绿等毫无顾忌地混杂在一起,有着亚热带特有的蛮风和野趣。Pink, orange, sapphire blue, green, thoughtlessly mixed, with the wind and pretty unique subtropical wilderness.

通过碘量法检测金橘黄酮类及柠檬苦素类提取物的抗氧化活性。Antioxidation activity of extracts from kumquat with flavone or limonin as solvent was studied by the iodine method.

对于冬暖夏凉的朝南居室,墙壁涂料比较好配,用淡绿或橘黄、奶油色均可。To the bedroom austral the face with wintry warm cool summer, wall paint is better match, with weak green or orange, creamy all but.

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类胡萝卜素是一类橘黄、黄色或红色的色素,存在于质体中,具有许多不同的生物功能和生物活性。Caroteinoids, which have a range of diverse biological functions and actions, are orange, yellow, or red pigments present in all plastids.

故餐室的色彩以暖色为主,如橘黄、乳黄最能增加食欲,其次是柠檬黄。The colour of reason dining room is given priority to with warm color, if orange, yellow fraction can increase appetite most, it is lemon fizzles out next.

从远处看,黑嘴端凤头燕鸥苍白的身体是最明显的特色,当我们更接近时,带有黑色尖尖的橘黄嘴喙进入我们的眼帘。The pale mantle of the Chinese crested tern was the most evident feature from a distance and as we got closer, the yellow-orange bill with a black tip came into view.

本研究采用石油醚、乙醚、甲醇、水溶剂梯度提取法和多种柱层析法,对栽培橘黄裸伞子实体进行了化学研究。The cultural fruiting bodies of the Gymnopilus spectabilis were phytochemical investigated using layer extracts with petroleum ether, diethyl ether, methanol and water and silica gel chromatography.