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想要成为政客的任何人都是不清正廉明的。Anyone who wants to be a politician is already dishonest.

加藤清正决定将劝降书送到光海君那边。Kato and decided to send QuanJiangShu to light sea king there.

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打破信息观念模式,不仅使人恼火,而且会让你弄不清正真需要什么。The breaking news mindset isn't just annoying, it may be distracting you from what really matters.

在釜山日军军营,加藤清正指责小西行长与明朝议和失败。Stay in busan the Japanese army, kato and accused konishi yukinaga and the Ming dynasty and failure.

大学生廉洁行为缺失主要表现在大学生的诚信行为缺失、勤俭行为缺失和清正行为缺失。The deficiency of the college students' integrity includes the deficiency of honest, thriftiness and probity.

5月12日,北川县曲山镇59岁的张贵清正在干农活,突然地动山摇,田地裂开了口子。Zhang Guiqing, 59, was working on the farm when the earth shook and the field split under his feet on May 12.

而加藤清正所部是从东北方向进入汉城,并不需要渡船过江。On the same time, Kato entered Seoul from Northeast side, where he didn't need any transport ships to cross the river.

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攻陷汉城后,丰臣秀吉和加藤清正从来没有合作过,这可能就是日本没有征服整个朝鲜的原因。Kato and Konishi never cooperated each others after the fall of Seoul, which could be why they couldn't conquer all Korea.

吻主唱基因西蒙斯声称,他从未有过一个单一的投诉从4600妇女,估计他已与性别,因为他清正廉明的作风。KISS frontman GENE SIMMONS claims he has never had a single complaint from the estimated 4,600 women he has had sex with, because of his honesty.

宋代有兼职兼薪制度,郡守见他清贫,欲让他兼任其他官职,他断然谢绝,表现了廉洁清正的风节。Song and paid part- time system, the poor governor to see him, wish him the duties of other official, he flatly refused, a clean and honest performance of the wind section.

实践加氮是很有帮助,因为它并没有负面影响,弘扬清正完成发酵,避免发生不必要的副产品。The practice of adding nitrogen is very helpful, as it has no negative effects, promotes a clean, complete fermentation and prevents the occurrence of unwanted by-products.

杨廷理为官清正,勤于政事,且具有强烈的爱国主义思想,不失为封建社会时期一位有作为的地方官吏。As an honest, upright and hard working official, Yang was well known for his fervent patriotism. He can be regarded as a capable and outstanding official in the feudal society.

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中国的直诉制度带有强烈的人治色彩,老百姓往往把司法案件的公正审理寄托于清正廉明的官吏或圣德贤明的君主身上。Zhisu is representative of the rule of man, people hope that upright officials and enlightened monarch can solve their problems. Confucianism has a deep influence in ancient China.

李清正强调,金门高粱酒在大陆已成为顶级客层间的最佳送礼选择,这也是金酒抢攻大陆市场的最佳利基。Lee honesty and stressed that Kinmen liquor on the mainland has become a top-level customers to choose among the best gifts, this is Kim's Liquor attack the mainland market niche best.

林希逸性格耿直,为官清正,对国家忧患与民生疾苦都给予了极大的关注,诗歌创作也颇有特色。Lin Xiyi, one of the representatives of the poetic school of rivers and lakes, formed his own way of poetry creation, attaching great attention to the sufferings of the country and its people.

我们知道,视频监控采用的是电视技术,而当前的电视技术已经从标清正逐步走向高清。We knew that what the video frequency monitoring uses is the television technology, but the current television technology already incorruptible gradually moved toward from the sign high clear.

南京,身处老虎桥监狱的徐汉元正在琢磨不为人知的心事,猛一抬头看到对头袁清正押着自己的儿子过来,徐汉元对袁清怒声相骂。Nanjing, in the tiger bridge prison Xu Hanyuan wondering where unknown worries, and looked up to see a sharp jerk adversary yuan and his son to come over, Xu Hanyuan Yuan Qing nu scold sound phase.