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气泡破了。The bubble has burst.

那个男孩在吹气泡。The boy was blowing bubbles.

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气泡从泥沼中冒了上来。Gases bubbled up from the mud.

他扯开了气泡膜。He slits open the bubble wrap.

漆的涂层在阳光照射下起了气泡。The paint blistered in the sun.

气泡膜不能防臭。Bubble wrap? Not smell-preventing.

这个小气泡是这只玻璃杯的缺点。The bubble is a flaw in the glass.

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泡叶藻为什么长着气泡?Why does bladderwrack have bladders?

且不说这个,他很喜欢挤真理的气泡吗?He loves to squash capsules of truth?

水从沙中冒出气泡。The water bubbled up through the sand.

不开裂,不变形,断而无可见气泡。No split, no visible, no eyeable bubble.

在阳光下墙上的油漆起气泡了。The sun blistered the paint on the wall.

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气泡稍微一碰就破。A bubble will burst at the slightest touch.

金黄色的酒液,还有精致的小气泡。Golden, with a very fine cordon of bubbles.

他又扯开了另一个用气泡膜包着的东西。He slits open a second bubble-wrap package.

外层为珠光膜,内衬为气泡膜。Pearl outer membrane, lined with bubble film.

在那里放着两大包东西,用气泡包装膜包着。In the closet is something big, in bubble wrap.

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惹得音符像气泡一样消散。Leading to evanescent musical notes as bubbles.

玻璃内无气泡,清洁,透明。No air bubble in the glass, Clean, transparent.

纤维之间有很多小气泡。Between the fibers are many small pockets of air.