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它溜进鱼场,静悄悄地闯过水中的树枝。It slips into fish farms and quietly works through the stock.

他计划用这些钱建立一个冰鱼场并偿还部分债务。He plans to build a new ice fishing house and pay off some debts.

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现在这些鱼场的龙鱼主要出口到日本和美国。Now the arawana from the fishing grounds are mainly exported to Japan and USA.

一项来自加拿大的研究宣称鱼场对野生鲑鱼的一些种群来说是一种威胁。A study from Canada says fish farms are a threat to some populations of wild salmon.

其他的养鱼场则跟湖,河或海这样的自由水源有关联。Other fish farms are connected to sources of free-flowing water -- a lake, river or ocean.

最精彩的有水底圆形鱼场,有360度的橱窗在水波之下、河獭。Highlights include the underwater Dome with a 360-degree window beneath the waves, river otters.

研究人员把不列颠哥伦比亚省附近鱼场的发展和野生粉鲑鱼苗的死亡联系起来。The researchers relate the growth of fish farming off British Columbia to losses in young wild salmon.

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2003年,在进行了多次试验之后,有一小部分当地渔民决定在沿岸的围栏鱼场种植这种海藻。In 2003, after repeated trials, a small number of local seafood farmers decided to grow the algae in coastal enclosures.

孵鱼场位于波利岬,所有人吉尔森将畸形归罪于附近夏果果园农夫所使用的农药。Hatchery owner Gwen Gilson blames chemicals used by macadamia farmers near her Boreen Point business for the deformities.

鱼场拥有过硬的养殖技术,先进的养殖设备和一批专业的养殖人员。The total area is about 300 mu. The fishing ground owns great breeding skills, advanced equipment and professional staff.

斯摩棱斯克核电站不仅是在西北的俄罗斯最大的发电厂,也是一个伟大的鱼场!Smolensk Nuclear Power Plant is not only the largest power plant in the North-West of Russia it is also a great fish-farm!

为了扩大我们的业务,并作为一个连续的服务,我们不断补充到我们的鱼场更特意挑选的主要品种和不同的龙鱼类型。To expand our business and as a continuous services, we constantly add more specially selected main breeds and different Arowana fish types to our farm.

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主要特点是生长快,产量高,适口性好,适宜于集约化养牛场、鱼场和大面积贮存青、干草等生产。It's main traits are rapid growth, high yield and good palatability, fit for the intensified cattle farm and fishing farm. It is also fit for production of ensilage and hay.

这种注重细节,跨越多年的试验和错误,并耐心地等待十余增长足够大的鲟鱼,有汉族的养鱼场繁荣。Such attention to detail, spanning years of trial and error and patiently waiting more than a decade for the sturgeon to grow large enough, have allowed Han's fish farm to prosper.

在路易斯安那南部,因为墨西哥湾大范围石油泄漏导致肥沃的鱼场和虾场关闭的闲散渔民正在争夺另一种工作。In southern Louisiana, idled fishermen whose fertile fish and shrimping grounds are closed due to that massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico are scrambling for another kind of work.

Worm自己的研究表明在世界海洋生态系统中,种类丰富的养鱼场比种类贫乏的衰落的机会更少,恢复得更快。Worm’s own work suggests that fisheries in the more species-rich of the world’s marine ecosystems appear less likely to collapse and faster to recover than fisheries in species-poor regions.