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鸟笼衬垫呢?Birdcage liners?

把一个鸟笼套到头上。Put a birdcage on the head.

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我们夜莺从来不在鸟笼里唱歌。We nightingales never sing in a cage.

你愿意穿这样的一件鸟笼裙么?Would you wear a cage skirt? Totally.

一架架柳条鸟笼悬挂在枝下。He dumped the spoons in a wicker basket.

发现一个鸟笼,里面关了支鹦鹉!He spots a birdcage with a parrot in it!

我把鸟笼打开,让鸟自由飞翔。I opened the cage and set the bird free.

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哈哈,还有一对乌头放到鸟笼里。Haha, there are a pair of aconitine into the cage.

一个手里拿着一只鸟笼的小牧童,笼里还有一只鸟。The shepherd boy holding a cage with a bird in it.

他在客厅的鸟笼里养了一只鹦鹉。He keeps a parrot in a birdcage in his living room.

宝贝,你能帮我把那个鸟笼放到地上去吗?Baby, can you put that birdcage on the floor for me?

终于有一天,不再有声音从小柳条鸟笼里传出。One day no song came up from the little wicker cage.

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鸟用翅膀扑打着鸟笼的栏杆。The bird beat its wings against the bars of its cage.

因此她留下来了,被带进百灵的鸟笼。And so it stayed, and was brought into the lark’s cage.

可怜的百灵被关在鸟笼里像囚犯一样不快乐。The poor lark was most unhappy as a prisoner in a cage.

男孩刚一打开鸟笼,画眉鸟就飞出去了。The thrush flew out as soon as the boy opened the cage.

但她一定养了鸟,要不为什么有一只鸟笼呢?But she must have had one , or why would she have a cage ?

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忽然,那块布从鸟笼上掉到了地上。Suddenly, the cloth fell from the cage and onto the floor.

书架和鸟笼就是不肯进老鼠洞。The book-case and bird-cage refused to go into the mousehole.

富兰克林从鸟舍中的鸟笼中离奇失踪。Franklin mysteriously disappeared from his cage at the aviary.