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他是你指导的出拳最狠的拳手吗?Is he the hardest puncher you've dealt with?

当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群开始寒笑他。The crowd jeered when the boxer was knocked down.

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大多数美国拳手都不配给你系鞋带。Most American boxers aren’t fit to tie your boots.

从未有重量级拳手可以如此完美地将两者结合在一起。No heavyweight combined the two assets so formidably.

当那个拳手被人打倒时,人群先导奚弄他。副作用。The crowd jeered when the kick boxer was knocked down.

“女拳手”一度成为“酷”的代名词。"Female fist hand " become for a time " cruel " pronominal.

让·热内还曾为某“小偷拳手”和“肌肉玫瑰②”写过赞美诗。Jean Genet wrote poems to a "thief-boxer" and a "muscled rose".

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小心,拳击就是下一个。他们的女拳手正在赶上来。Be careful, Boxing is next. Their wommenboxers are up and coming.

是的,曾经咬人耳朵的拳手泰森现在是一个素食者了。Yes, Mike Tyson, a man who once chewed on human ear, is now vegan.

我相信这位26岁的施压型拳手将成长为希望之星。I consider the 26-year-old pressure fighter to be a mature prospect.

毋庸置疑,他在这个时代傲视群雄,极少数拳手能比肩于之。And deservedly so. He is dominating his era as few fighters ever have.

他是一直不走运的,所以人们称他“不走运的拳手”。He had been unfortunate, and had been known as the unlucky fighter.

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这是大部分拳手在一个回合里打在帕奎奥身上的拳数。That was the most anybody has ever landed on Pacquiao in a single round.

小时候,他想当拳手,想抢银行,想当斗牛士。When he was a boy he wanted to be a boxer, a bank robber, a bullfighter.

阿鲁姆的拳手是立法者,另一个家伙的教练可能是犯法者。Arum's fighter is a lawmaker. The other guy's trainer may be a lawbreaker.

他是位获得多项奖项的老拳手,赛场上的他看起来信心百倍。He is a veteran boxer and has a winningrecord. He looks confident and strong.

他最近的这些成就已经使他成为墨西哥的头牌拳手。His recent accomplishments have established him as Mexico's premiere fighter.

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两名拳手互相瞪着眼睛,想以此震慑住对方。The two boxers gazed at each other, wanting to stare down the opposite party.

霍亚一直是最有号召力和最炙手可热的拳手。De La Hoya has long been boxing's most popular fighter and biggest attraction.

我一直认为咄咄逼人的左撇子拳手能够击中马奎兹。I've always believed that aggressive southpaws are able to put hands on Marquez.