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那个男人从没按时付过账。That fellow never pays his bills on time.

过账是在现金账户中进行的。The posting was made in the cash account.

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这些税在凭证处理时予以过账。These taxes are posted when the documents are processed.

帐户的顺序合理,可以使过账更加容易。The proper sequence of accounts can make posting even easier.

确保所有的库存在四班系统中的正确记录和过账。A To ensure all goods are properly posted in the Fourth Shift system.

我跟杰克经常出去,但是,不管我们花什么钱,他从来也没有付过账。I go out with Jack quite often, but he will never foot the bill for anything we spend.

本书中,我们会用总账来解释记账和过账的过程。In this book, we use general journal to explain the process of journalizing and posting.

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结过账后,她静静的收起手包,朝餐厅后面昏暗的侧门走去。After the bill arrives, she quietly gathers up her bag and heads to a dingy sidedoor around the back of the restaurant.

编制结账后试算表,确保在结账分录过账之后分类账仍保持平衡。Preparing an after-closing trial balance. Ensuring that the ledger" remains in balance after posting of the closing entries."

在许多宾馆,这些过账都由电脑化的设备来做,但是在小企业中,他们还是通过手工。In many hotels these postings are done by computerized accounting machines, but in smaller operations they are still done by hand.

减少了账户。不管有多少笔交易,只向应收账款账户过账一次,向销售账户过账一次。Reduce posting. There is only one posting made to Accounts Receivable and one posting to Sales, regardless of the number of transactions.

销售日记账的金额每天过账至明细分类账,以保存每个顾客应收账款金额的目前记录。Amounts in the sales journal are posted to the subsidiary ledger daily to keep a current record ol the amount receivable from each customer.

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确保所有的信用卡结帐都已及时过账。收款后逐笔销手工帐和电脑帐。Make sure all checkouts paid by credit card have been posted accordingly. Cancel the bills having been paid in both handwriting and computer.

意思是说,公司的收入直接“过账”至股东,股东按照他们通常的所得税的税率纳税,这样就避免了缴纳公司税。That means the income “passes” straight to shareholders, who then pay taxes on it at their ordinary income rate, thus avoiding the corporate tax.

在实际工作中,经济业务首先被记录在日记账中,之后单个账户所记录的借贷变化情况被过账到分类账中。In practice, the business transactions are first recorded in a journal, after which the debit and credit changes in the individual accounts are posted to the ledger.

调整分录过账后,就可以编制调整后试算表,以检查所有分类账账户的借方余额和贷方余额总计是否相等。After the adjusting entries have been posted an adjusted trial balance can be made to test the equality of total debit and total credit balance of all ledger accounts.