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茅台是酒中上品。Mao-tai is a good clear wine.

茅台是酒中上品。Maotai is a top-grade spirit.

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他的行为是上品的。His behaviour was in good taste.

是榨面的上品,出产很少。Pressing face is the sobriquet produced little.

是自2009年以来最佳的木桐上品。Persists for a long time on the palate. Best after 2009.

酥油茶是藏区茶类的上品。The buttered tea is the Tibet area teas high-grade goods.

狮峰山上的龙井为龙井茶中之上品。Lion Peak Mountain Longjing Longjing tea in the top grade.

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梅花鹿所产的鹿茸是鹿茸中的最上品。Sika deer is a deer antler velvet produced by the most in the top grade.

品质良好,优等上品,自然的白金级亮眼睛。High end and Good quality , Natural Platinum lens are thin and comfortable.

故此,人们一直把鸡作为病后进补的上品。Therefore, people always put the chicken as the top grade disease after repair.

19世纪的上品普洱茶可以卖到每块成千上万美金。Prized vintages from the 19th century have sold for thousands of dollars a wedge.

花茶以花香鲜灵持久,茶味醇厚回甘为上品。Top_grade Jasmine tea always has enduring fragrance and unforgettable after taste.

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即使这样,也让他的实力提升了一个品级,达到六级上品。Even if so, let his real strenght enhance a grade, achieved six classes first grade.

一些车型在出产的时代里并不畅销,但如今,却成为收藏上品。Some cars that wouldn't sell in their own time have become highly sought after today.

或者在宣传画册、目录里圈出来你感兴趣的上品。Or if there is a flyer or catalogue with the item, circle the one you are interested in.

那种能发出清脆响声的石灰岩被认为是上品。The most highly regarded rocks were of limestone that "emitted a bell-like ring when struck."

向有“雨前是上品,明前是珍品”的说法。" To have "before rain is the top grade, they agree to anything is a treasure, " the argument.

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收养着国内名獒后代数条,均为獒中上品。It adopts some descendants of domestic precious Tibetan Mastiffs, all of which are among the best quality.

海参营养丰富,以食疗双佳被奉为上品,因此深受国内外消费者喜爱。Nutrient-rich sea cucumbers to be good therapeutic regarded as a two-horn, as well as foreign consumers love.

纪94梅兰芳舞台艺术无齿邮票横双连,均带直角宽边,极少见,原胶,上品。C94 Stage Art of Mei Lanfang, imperforate stamps in horizontal pairs, all with corner wide margins, rare, OG, VF.