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大多数都美其名曰运动或者休闲俱乐部。Most are euphemistically called sports or leisure clubs.

他们美其名曰平衡,我却宁愿称之为虚伪的狗屎。They call it the balance. I call it hypocritical bullshit.

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这类间谍活动美其名曰“美人计”。The trade name for this type of spying is the "honey trap."

他把寥寥几册藏书美其名曰图书馆。He dignified a small collection of books by calling it a library.

因此我美其名曰,循环观点Hence, the name, that I dub the argument, "The argument from recycling."

弗洛伊德美其名曰“多形性反常“,即追求纯粹的快乐。Freud had this wonderful phrase, "polymorphous perversity," this pure desire for pleasure.

弗洛伊德美其名曰“多形性反常“,即追求纯粹的快乐。Freud had this wonderful phrase, "polymorphous perversity, " this pure desire for pleasure.

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因此,周六上班的纪律监督与服务质量依然不能松懈,不能让美其名曰“周六加班”成了“混水摸鱼”的幌子。Therefore, the supervision on the discipline and service should not be any looser on Saturday.

中南部的阿肯色州甚至为其打造了一项游戏,美其名曰“阿肯色寻宝游戏”。The mid-South state of Arkansas even makes a game of it. It calls it "The Great Arkansas Treasure Hunt."

露西尔的家美其名曰城堡,事实上不过是一座壕沟环绕的大农场。Lucille's home was very grandly called a chateau, though in truth it was nothing more than a large moated farm.

加拿大方面不断要求我花费数千美元去学毫无用处的课程,参加昂贵的考试,美其名曰提升申请条件。They keep telling me here to upgrade by paying thousands of dollars to take useless courses and take expensive exams.

如果你是一个稍通事理的活物,就请别再用你那些美其名曰诗歌的平庸文字像射精一样污人眼目啦。If you are a sensible creature, please stop jerking off with your mediocre plain texts arranged in the name of verses.

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你也许见过戴舌钉的人用的舌头敲击门牙,发出声音,他们美其名曰“演奏”。Maybe you've seen people with studs in their tongue clicking it up against their front teeth, a move known as “playing.

单调也好,困倦也罢,只是这个世界上却鲜有不惧死者,还美其名曰“好死不如赖活”!Monotone or sleepy, too, just this world had little fear of the dead, also called " good death is better than Lai Huo"!

皇马一直都想签入卡卡,他们这样的念头从来没有打消过,他们将这个美其名曰将卡卡从米兰危机的旋涡中解救出来。Real Madrid have not ruled out the idea of signing Milan ace Kaka and might take advantage of the San Siro outfit's crisis.

笔者有个MM朋友,一年到晚把一块装饰布盖住路由器,问其为什么这样做,“美其名曰”防尘。MM I have a friend, the one night a year to cover the making routers, asked why its so doing, " euphemistically called" dust.

那么现在,如果你是一个稍通事理的活物,就请别再用你那些美其名曰诗歌的平庸文字像◎◎似地狂射啦。So now, if you are a sensible creature, please stop jerking off with your mediocre plain texts arranged in the name of verses.

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这样夸张描述美国的穆斯林人的做法被美其名曰”对美国历史上寻找其它代罪羔羊的警示“。The rhetoric targeted at American Muslims has been called a "reminder of the treatment meted out to other scapegoats in American history.

这样夸张描述美国的穆斯林人的做法被美其名曰”对美国历史上寻找其它代罪羔羊的警示“。The rhetoric targeted at American Muslims has been called a "reminder of the treatment meted out to other scapegoats in American history."

福建野生着的芦荟,一到北京就进温室,且美其名曰“龙舌兰”。When the aloe which grows wild in Fujian comes to Beijing, it is ushered into a hothouse and given the beautiful name "Dragon Tongue Orchid".