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到最后,连发短信的力气都所剩无几。Finally, beating the strength to text.

“爱一时”的男人连发短信都嫌麻烦。A guy who's here for now can barely be bothered with a text.

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不仅仅是贴近耳朵接听,就连发短信也会受到伤害。This would include texting rather than holding the phone to the ear.

警方说疑犯冲进格瓦特尼的办公室并且对格瓦特尼连发三枪。Police say a suspect burst into Gwatney's office and fired three shots.

我疯狂地连发多封电邮给仁波切,请求他帮助TM。I frantically sent several emails to Rinpoche again, requesting him to help TM.

在后阶段,她们还配备了连发枪以及军棍和军刀。In the latter period, they were armed with Winchester rifles, clubs and knives.

就如他去的,我见到在他附近的在一个架上的它皮套的一把连发左轮手枪,然后君也见到它。As he went, I saw a revolver in its holster on a shelf near him, and then Don saw it too.

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找个好地方躲起来,上一下子弹,或者调节一下武器的单、连发。Look for a good point to hide, check your ammo and wether your gun is on semi or full-auto.

今年晚些时候,民用版的三连发电击枪将开始在美国销售。Later this year, Taser will start selling a civilian version of its three-shot people zapper.

波涛连发梦也想做熊,你竟然忍心粉碎牠的梦想?Rufus dreams of being a bear, and you want to shatter those dreams by saying he's just a dog?

戴金花双枪连发,登时就把鬼子的机枪手和供弹手打爆了头。Dai Jinhua double gun series, cried the devil of the gunner and for playing the hand off the head.

这家历史古迹建筑,现在连发与切合时宜的设施和技术来满足您的每一个需要。This historic building now bursts with up to date facilities and technology to meet your every need.

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司空玄见这貂儿纵跳若电,心下也是害怕,不住口的连发号令。But, seeing it jumping like lighting, the master was also feared, so barked a succession of commands.

主界面显示两通道弹丸过靶波形、弹丸速度及连发弹射频。The main panel displays two channel sampling signal, the repeated projectile velocity and the firing rate.

重弹军团要是在今天的双重赛横扫红袜,连发第九回的美联东区王座,就可以再靠近一点。Sweep the Red Sox in a day-night doubleheader today and the Bombers will be on the verge of a ninth straight AL East championship.

三支全垒打是自去年九月18日对教士四连发以来,最多的连发全垒打。The three home runs were the most the Dodgers have hit consecutively since they hit four in a row last Sept. 18 against the Padres.

郭泓志在对大都会七局中只失一分,而且打了三连发全垒打�的第三支,为星期二这场赢得了胜利。Hong-Chih Kuo limited the Mets to one run in seven innings and hit the third of three homers on three pitches in a victory on Tuesday.

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本文介绍了连发弹道摄影经纬仪特有的可移动玻璃底板的宽调速方案设计。A design was presented for wide sped governing scheme of movable glass plate unique to theodolite for fire away trajectory photography.

作家郑渊洁近日连发微博,关注云南大旱,为无水而忧,他倡议北京人自己洗车,而且建议长期设立”无水日”。他认为云南的今天,就是北京的明天。他说。For Beijingers, who use 100000 tons of water per day to wash their cars, it will serve them right if one day they cannot find water to drink.

根据射弹散布的正态分布律,总结出一个估算连发散布的方法,以供参考。Based on the Gaussian distribution, this paper gives an estimation method for the estimation of the appropriate dispersion of a running automatic fire.