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伊阿古你们听见一个呼声吗?Iago. Did not you hear a cry?

这就是么东梅的呼声!This is the voice of Mody Dongmei!

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当霍华德当政的时候,你们对此可是呼声甚高啊!You were very loud when Howard was PM.

风扇的呼呼声,浑浊空气的味道。The whirr of fans, the taste of old air.

他对于一切求助的呼声都不闻不问。He shut his ears to all appeals for help.

至今,公众的呼声均被迫消音。So far, the public outcry has been muted.

和平的呼声遍及世界。The appeal for peace reached throughout the world.

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哦战争的共同呼声,拿起你剑和飞。Oh the war is common cry, pick up you swords and fly.

“要求尽义务的呼声就具备了法律的权威。”可否,请指示!The voice of duty now speaks with the authority of law.

但希望他放弃权力的呼声并没有停止。Butthe calls for him to relinquish power have not ended.

这个政府不认真对待肯尼亚人民的呼声。The government is not sensitive to the cries of Kenyans.

主流技术媒体也在发出召回的呼声。And the mainstream tech press is flexing the R-word, too.

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那是一个再也不愿为奴的民族的呼声!It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again!

之后,要求释放被关押学生的呼声越来越高,穆罕默德的信徒和其支持者也越来越多。Support for the students and imprison Mohammed’s growing.

父母们是一个呼声甚高的有力团体,要好好利用团体的力量!Parents are a powerful group with a loud voice, so use it!

德国人民支持反民主党派呼声日渐高涨。The Germans increasingly supported anti-democratic parties.

对那些黑暗里的呼声,你还要继续听下去多久?For how long will you continue to listen to those dark shouters.

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我想是因为那种回荡在她们心中的呼声吧.I think it is because of the voice ,which echoes in their hearts.

只有地下室窗户上的鼓风机不停地发出呼呼声。Only the venliator in the cellar window kept up a cealess rattle.

呼声传达了一种普通的愿望和人类的崇高理想.The voice conveys the common wish and the lofty idea of mankind.