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温格的队伍惨不忍睹。Wenger's team were abominable.

上个月就更是惨不忍睹了。Last month was particularly cruel.

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那张脸真是惨不忍睹,跟你有一拼了。Her face is almost as ugly as your mug.

人类生机勃勃的家园,转瞬之间惨不忍睹。Human vibrant homes, Zhuanshun between appalling.

我只能看着他的脸,他身上的伤惨不忍睹。We could see only his face because of his injuries.

那个曾经,似乎惨不忍睹,最终两败俱伤。The once, seem to be miserable, eventually internecine.

这样做的结果是整个页面最后看起来像是刚刚经历了一场惨不忍睹的车祸。So the page as a whole can end up looking like a car crash.

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模特们都知道展示会期间他们的脚惨不忍睹。Models know their feet are in for a tough time during the shows.

它的位置相当不错,但是其他的就惨不忍睹了。The location was pretty good, but aside from that it was aweful.

然而卡崔娜来袭时,计画的执行却是惨不忍睹。Yet when Katrina struck, the execution of that plan was abysmal.

整个设计根本就是惨不忍睹。The overall design of this camera is obnoxiously hard to describe.

看到这种惨不忍睹的景象,他们简直无法克制他们的愤怒情绪。At the sight of this cruelty, they could hardly contain their anger.

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谁知第一球季,球队的表现惨不忍睹,他因而被辞退。But in his first season, the team is terrible and management fires him.

“投篮机器”先生这个赛季打得相当糟糕,而法玛尔的状况就更惨不忍睹了。"The Machine" has had a horrible year and Farmar has played even worse.

警方表示,作案现场惨不忍睹,并称这是一起“孤立事件”。Police said crime scene appalling, saying it was an "isolated incident."

第二天清晨考拉的尸体在附近的一个小山坡上被找到,血肉模糊,惨不忍睹。Its body, mangled and bloody, was found the next morning on a nearby hillside.

我们希望发展一项调查应用程序,将尽一切调查程序惨不忍睹。We want to develop a survey app that will make every survey app look horrible.

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我真是替参孙难过,我眼睁睁的看着他们凿瞎了他的双眼,真是太惨不忍睹了。I was looking in Samson’s cell when the gouged out his eyes. It was a terrible sight.

的确,早期防癌物质的人体试验因为没有做到这一点,结果惨不忍睹。Indeed, failure to do so proved disastrous for some early human trials of preventives.

结果是如此惨不忍睹,臭名远彰到让美国人和全世界的人都知道。The result was an ugliness too well known to Americans and to people all over the world.