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克劳斯津津有味地体验着世人的关注。Klaus relishes the attention.

世人对他真是称羡不已。He was very much admired indeed.

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甘与世人居下地。Pleased as man with man to dwell.

然而这一技巧也并非世人咸宜。But the address isn't for anybody.

世人向尘寰告别的时刻?The hour when man must cease to be?

世人向尘寰告别的时刻?Thee hour when man must cease to be?

林深处,未经世人脚印压迫。The forest depths, by foot unpressed.

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告诉世人我们关心,愿上帝赐与我们力量!Show that we care and may God help us!

我想写出令世人惊叹的文章!I want to write earth-shaking articles.

希拉里已向世人证明自己是位颇得人心的参议员。She has proven to be a popular senator.

告诉世人他是怎样蔑视尘Tell how, disdaining all earth can give

蓝天为世人所共有。The blue sky belongs equally to us all.

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双手合十,啊!所有世人的主With folded hands, O lord of all worlds

这一事实早已被世人所知Now, this has been known for a long time.

神爱世人从来是毫无保留的。God loves us, totally and unconditionally.

林尼厄斯的体系很快征服了世人。Linnaeus' system soon conquered the world.

九龙壁也是令世人所瞩目的。Nine Dragon Wall is the world's attention.

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热比亚是什么人,世人是清楚的。We all know what kind of person Rebiya is.

你创造世人,要使他们归何等的虚空呢?For what futility you have created all men!

于是世人便让爱自由的弥漫在她的世界。The world gave it the freedom of her house.