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征兆是有益的。Signs are helpful.

征兆就在那里。The signs are there.

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现在则是我等亨利,他不能自已地消失,没有一点征兆。Now I wait for Henry.

前期的征兆并不好。The early omens were not good.

出现了肺病的征兆。Symptoms of consumption developed.

发烧常常是传染病的征兆。A fever often denotes an infection.

阴云带来要下雨的征兆。The clouds brought a threat of rain.

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下一篇文章里,我们来了解说谎的征兆。Next, we'll learn the signs of lying.

有哪一些征兆的压疮?。Wht re the symptoms of pressure sore?

马吕斯毫不注意这些征兆。Marius paid no heed to these symptoms.

树上的萌芽是春天来临的征兆。Buds on the trees are a sign of spring.

情绪暴躁是怨愤的征兆。Grumpiness can be a sign of resentment.

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铁线莲枯萎病的征兆是什么?What are the symptoms of clematis wilt?

但就连他们都正在显示出了进取的征兆。But even they are showing signs of progress.

唇裂或腭裂并非上天的诅咒,厄运的征兆。A cleft lip or palate is not a curse or omen.

精神障碍的早期征兆是什么?What are the early signs of mental disorders?

小心点。衰老的第一个征兆。Got the grumps?Careful. First sign of old age.

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视力衰退——他已过世的另一征兆。Lack of vision, another sign that he was gone.

女孩月经肚子疼是怀孕的征兆吗?。Is girl menstruation collywobbles pregnant omen?

那些都是庄重的征兆,所以扫罗遵从了它们。Those are some serious signs. So Saul obeyed them.