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聚精会神,保持平静和安宁。Internal peace, harmony and foucs.

听众都在聚精会神地听着。The audience are absorbed in listening.

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中国聚精会神,我们心浮气躁。China feels focused. We feel distracted.

造模型船使他聚精会神。Making a model ship absorbed him completely.

等到播的时候,大家都聚精会神的收听。When when sowing, everybody is sedulous listen.

聚精会神的学习有助于使所学的知识永记不忘。Concentrated study will help you to retain knowledge.

他又停下来,集中力量,聚精会神。He paused again, mustering his strength and thoughts.

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瞧,这位綦江小姑娘创作得多么聚精会神。Look, just how creative girl who Qijiang attentively.

放映员在聚精会神地移动摄影机。The projectionist was panning the camera attentively.

观众们聚精会神地看着这个球员抢下篮板球。The crowd watched intently as the ball player score rebound.

聚精会神地看,你将看到水在湖岩掉以轻心。Look attentively, and you will see as water in lake lightly rocks.

一行人聚精会神的听着清涧红枣的发展历程。A line of people are listening Qingjian jujube development intently.

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他坐在一个角落,聚精会神地听着。My eyes fell on Jiang Xin, who sat in a corner, listening attentively.

阿顿关掉收音机聚精会神地做功课。Adden switched off the radio and started to concentrate on his homework.

聚精会神地做某件事是项经过一番了解与苦练的。Doing some thing sedulously is a course understanding and practice hard.

我聚精会神地操纵着操作杆和方向舵,兼顾着机翼和机尾。I felt my nerves grow out into the stick and rudder, the wings and tail.

“聚精会神”是唯一,一种改变世界的态度。"Poly-mind" is only the one which is an attitude for changing this world.

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中国仍然是一个发展中国家,必须继续聚精会神搞建设,一心一意谋发展。As a developing country, China will continue to concentrate on development.

儿子们聚精会神地望着日出时那喷向天空的缤纷色彩。My sons watch intently as the rich colors of the sunrise soar into the sky.

就在我聚精会神啃书的时候,图书馆的工作人员微笑地向我走来。When I was attentive at reading, the staff of library came smilingly to me.