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神开办了一个严紧的学校。God keeps a costly school.

这个眼库开办于1996年。The Eye Bank opened in 1996.

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从那以后他开办了自己的画廊。He has since opened a gallery.

这是可以做到期间开办。This can be done during start-up.

你需要的只是开办一家公司呀。You just need to start a company.

他准备开办一个小鞋铺。He's going to open a small shoe shop.

扶轮社还开办眼库。Rotary groups also operate eye banks.

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接着他产生了开办一家绿色银行的想法。Then he had the idea for a green bank.

这是为很多商业经理人开办的学校And it's for a lot of business executives

谁会比我更有资格去开办一个女同性恋学校呢?Who better to run a lesbian school than me?

他们很快将在那里开办个新超市。They will open a new supermarket there soon.

于是他们把我送到了一所为神童开办的学校。So they sent me to a school for gifted children.

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这所学校是为弱智儿童开办的。This school is calculated for retarded children.

如果你开办了一个零售业网站,同样适用。If you run a retail web site, this still applies.

训练中心将开办一个诊所,并进行研究工作。The centre will run a clinic and conduct research.

加尔各答有一座私人开办的中文学校,规模不大,但办学认真。There is a family-based Chinese School in Kolkata.

他将房子作抵押借款以开办一家商店。He mortgaged his house in order to start a business.

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该机构同样在印度开办了商学院。The ICFAI also has opened business schools in India.

我们是一所为5至12岁孩子开办的国际学校。We are an international school for children of 5-12.

我们需要更多的资金来修筑道路,开办医院和学校。We need more money for roads, hospitals and schools.