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为什么骚动?Why create uproar?

之后会造成一段长期的骚动。A long to-do list, then.

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夸伦人开始骚动。The Quarren begin to stir.

全城骚动。The whole city was in tumult.

听众笑了起来发出一阵骚动。The crowd laughed and whooped.

那件事引起一阵骚动。There was a hullabaloo about it.

世俗的骚动,席卷荒野。And worldly tempests, raging wild.

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永恒的爱还是紧张骚动?。Enternal love or nervous disorder?

感觉温度的闪烁和灵魂的骚动Feel wink of warmth and stir of spirit

他的建议让会议陷入骚动。He suggested the meeting into an uproar.

埃德斯坦说,这席话在观众中引起了一阵骚动。His words caused a stir among the audience.

犯人们继续在一般牢房区内骚动。Inmates continue to riot in the cell block.

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对于这一切骚动,托尔斯泰几乎无知无觉。Tostoy was hardly aware of all the commotion.

这一骚动被称为越南东京湾事件。This was known as the Gulf of Tonkin Incident.

核磁共振造影术在医界引起一阵骚动。MRI has caused a stir in the medical community.

这当然会引起父母们的骚动。This of course, has sent parents into an uproar.

直到怪物骚动了,那恶鬼,那妖魔Till the monster stirred, that demon, that fiend

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消息传来,整个社区都骚动起来。The whole community was astir when the news came.

玉瓶的失窃引起很大的骚动。The theft of the jade vase caused much excitement.

好战的姿态常常显露了内心的骚动。A militant attitude often betrays an inner turmoil.