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他讨厌过现代生活中那种花天酒地的生活。He hates the racket of modem life.

在欧洲期间,他一直过着花天酒地的生活。He was helling around when in Europe.

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要过花天酒地的生活,哪里还有像巴黎那样的地方。To go it, where is a place like Paris?

他只顾花天酒地。What he cared about was helling around.

这些花花公子整天沉湎于花天酒地的放荡生活。These playboys riot in dissipated living.

他的妻子年轻时经常过着花天酒地的生活。His wife used to racket about when she was young.

她一直与大富翁为伴,过着花天酒地的生活。The world is racketing around at an ever madder pace.

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他的青春是在享乐这中度过的——花天酒地,沉湎声色。His youth was spent in having a good time-plenty of wine, woman, and song.

这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地。What these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and helling around.

他不到四十岁就死了,花天酒地的生活毁了他的身体。He died in his late thirties as he ruined his constitution by drink and dissipation.

带着醉醺醺的山国回家,玉香知道山国去花天酒地,两人争吵起来。Sanguo home. When Yuxiang finds out Sanguo went on a drinking binge, she quarrels with him.

我已启程活在真实的世界中,而你继续你每周末花天酒地的生活。I started living in the real world while you continued to go to frat parties on the weekends.

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在旧社会,这些寄生虫所关心的无非就是花天酒地的生活。In the old society what these parasites cared about was nothing but drinking and heeling around.

个人没有任和的权力来开支一笔资金来娱乐和花天酒地!Individual in the department would not have authority to spend a single penny for entertainment!

中国媒体常常报道男足球员的花天酒地的生活。The Chinese news media often report on the flashy lives that many soccer players apparently lead.

资金开始涌入保盛丰之后,彭日成花天酒地的生活方式有增无减。Mr. Pang ratcheted up his already free-spending lifestyle after the money started pouring into PEMGroup.

你才回来陪了我们几秒钟,就要出去跟朋友花天酒地?And then you come in and spend two seconds with us and then expect to go off gallivanting with your friends?

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就因为现在的建筑设计变得越来越简陋,并不意味着没地方可以供人花天酒地。Just because architecture may be growing more humble doesn't mean there's no place for over-the-top lavishness.

但现在呢,有人一共17辆宾利,4辆法拉利,在西班牙马尔韦利亚还有度假房,到处花天酒地极尽奢华之能事变得很普遍了。But now 17 Bentleys, four Ferraris, a house in Marbella, and they throw money around like it's going out of fashion.

不要强迫她玩扑克拖拉机斗地主之类的,这些她都讨厌,但如果她想要出去和她的朋友花天酒地,就让她去吧。Do not force her to be with you in a poker game which she hates, but let she goes out swinging with her friends if she wants to.