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您可以买月票。You can buy a monthly pass.

她每天使用月票上下班。She commutes to work every day.

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请出示年夜家汽车月票。Please show me your monthly bus pass.

我的月票到这周为止。My season ticket will expire this week.

请出示公共汽车月票。Please exhibit me your monthly bus pass.

我打算明天去买一张月票。I'm going to buy a monthly ticket tomorrow.

月票有效期只有一个月。The monthly ticket is valid for a month only.

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所有中转站几乎都可以买到月票。You can pick one up at virtually any transit station.

里面装有一些钱,一张IP卡和一张月票。Inside there is some money, IP card and a monthly ticket.

里面有一些钱,一张月票和其它物品。There is some money, a monthly ticket and something else in it.

每天乘地铁的部分乘客买季、月票。Some people who take subways to work everyday buy season or monthly tickets.

当我在火车上睡觉时,我的钱包和月票被偷了。I had my purse and commutation ticket stolen while I was sleeping in the train.

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这位负责人表示,在听证方案中,IC卡月票允许透支乘车1次。The official said the hearing in the program, IC cards allow overdrafts monthly car 1.

没有月票的乘客直接到无人售票机前投币购票。Passengers without a monthly pass can purchase tickets from coin-operated ticket dispensers.

在赫尔辛基,两周的公共交通月票约售15到25英镑。A two-week pass for using the Helsinki public transportation typically sells for between £15-£25.

然而,在主要火车站,月票乘客仍然回避安全检查,行李也不接受搜查。But at the main railway terminal commuters still dodge security checks and bags are not searched.

申请人须为大埔宝马山之住客,健身月票不可转借他人。The Applicant must be residents of Grand Palisades. The gymnastic monthly pass is not transferable.

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还可以期待更多创新促销活动开始,例如捷蓝航空最近开展的无限次月票。You can also expect more innovative sales such as JetBlue Airway´s recent unlimited-travel monthly pass.

③这张无限制的月票,允许Gene任意乘坐地铁,并且免费换乘公共汽车。The unlimited pass allowed Gene to use the subway as much as he wanted and he could transfer to the bus for free.

比这更糟糕。那天早上我一如往常地在检票口出示月票之后,爬楼梯上站台。Worse. That morning, as usual, at the station I show my pass at the ticket wicket. Then I go upstairs to the platform.