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他看着自己的人马。He looked at his men.

训练你们去杀半人马?。Training you to kill half-breeds?

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查尔斯和他的人马开始进军。Charles and his men began to march.

他为这项特殊任务挑选了一组人马。He selected a team for the special task.

一个带宽边帽的人马上来到他身边。In an instant, a skycap was at his side.

你算老几?那路人马?You count old some?Which road man horse?

人马族被逼的走投无路,只好逃到了奇伦的家中。They had to escape to the home of Chiron.

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五组人马齐聚玄武山。Five team gathered in the xuanwu mountain.

我的小队野蛮人马团团围住了乔。My little troop of Goths swarmed upon Joe.

几路人马为救赵英雄纷纷出动。A few horses to save heroes have mobilized.

全部人马已安全渡江。All the troops have crossed the river safely.

宙斯和他的一队人马在奥林匹斯山顶上。Zeus and his group were on top of mount Olympus.

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我桂阳能有多少人马?How many can our little Guiyang put in the field?

赤壁之战曹军大败,所剩三百人马,跟随曹操向华容道退去。Cao Cao led these troops to Huarongdao in retreat.

他的人马排队跟上,旗帜随风飘扬。His men formed up and followed, banners streaming.

山沟里走来一队人马,正是护送许世友的队伍。A group of people fro, amid is escorted Xu Shiyou team.

人马声称赛萨利是属于他们的财产。The centaurs then claimed Thessaly as their birthright.

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拔河结束了。两队的人马统统跌在一堆。The tug-of-war ended when both teams tumbled in a heap.

一小队人马在堤道上急急地赶路。A small troop was threading the causeway at a good pace.

韩冷烟立刻着急人马,准备去救人。Han Lengyan immediately anxious people, ready to rescue.