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她毫无二致地爱每个人。She loves each human the same way.

那两个兄弟毫无二致。The twin brothers are as like as two peas.

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车内采用的塑胶材料的尺寸与质量,与饼干盒内的分割装置毫无二致。The plastic is of the same gauge and quality used in cookie-box dividers.

互联网确实永久性地改变了商业,这一点与投资者的预测毫无二致。The Internet did change business forever, just as investors had predicted.

尽管人们的意见毫无二致,不过他也有些有失体面的花钱习惯。Despite the unanimity of this opinion, he possessed some unbecoming spending habits.

全球变暖摆在其面前的政治问题与此迥异,然而他采取的方式却毫无二致。Global warming presents him with a different set of political problems, but his approach will be the same.

我们可以感知寒冷,饥饿,痛苦,悲伤,遗弃,孤独,恐惧,欢乐等,感受之深与人类毫无二致。We can experience cold, hunger, pain, sadness, abandonment, loneliness, fear, joy, etc. with the same intensity humans do.

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如果你跟我们大多数人毫无二致,那黑莓手机闪烁的红光该是你每天早上第一眼所见——你有新的邮件!If you're like many of us, the red blinking light of a BlackBerry is the first thing you see each morning—you've got mail!—and

违约行为可能引起严重的精神损害,对此与侵权行为毫无二致,这是违约精神损害赔偿的现实基础。That breach of contract, like tort, can cause severe spiritual damage is the actual basis of default compensation for spiritual damage.

几周前,在一个原本与平时毫无二致的周六清晨,生活又给我上了一课,就如它会时不时教授你一些东西一样。A few weeks ago, what began as a typical Saturday morning turned into one of those lessons that life seems to hand you from time to time.

5磅重的iPad在样式上模仿了iPhone一点也不令人惊奇,甚至明亮的10英寸屏幕下方的那个黑色按钮也是毫无二致。It was also no surprise that the 1.5-pound iPad resembled an iPhone, right down to the single black button nestled below the bright 10-inch screen.

现在人们只持有现金或美国国债以保安全的想法非常强烈。这类行为其实与追逐表现的做法毫无二致。There's a great desire now to stay safe by holding only cash or only Treasury papers. This kind of behavior is really just the same as chasing performance.

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许慎采用了以小篆为代表的古文字作为研究素材,但在思想方法上却与汉代流行的今文经学学派毫无二致。The writer used the lesser seal characters as his main study material, but his method of thinking is the same as that of the school of the study of Confucian Classics by modem script.