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只怪我太年轻。Blame it on my youth.

年轻姑娘把那两个字念道了两遍,“自由干吗?”asked the young girl.

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我看起来年轻多了。I look so much younger.

它必须紧紧抓住年轻的消费群。It must catch them young.

她们说我看起来更年轻了。They said I look younger.

好的,那位年轻的女士Yes, young lady out here.

一个年轻男孩有双深遂的眼睛。A young boy with old eyes.

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他看上去比你年轻。He looks younger than you.

这是年轻的波尔。Here's a young Niels Bohr.

多希望再年轻一回。I wish I were young again.

怪我太年轻,是人是狗没看清。I'm too young to be a dog.

网络是一个年轻的媒体。The web is a young medium.

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虖“你还年轻,不该抽烟。”You're too young to smoke.

还是膝上带疤的年轻小子。Or young with scabby knees.

年轻的新娘沉默了。The young bride was silent.

年轻的王子吞了吞口水。The young prince swallowed.

她是三年年轻比我父亲。He is forty-eight years old.

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基蒂是比艾丽丝更年轻。Kitty is younger than Alice.

我们必须体谅他还年轻。We must consider his youth.

年轻的渔夫颤抖着。The young Fisherman trembled.