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这部电影发人深省。The film is thougt-provoking.

读一点发人深省的东西。Read something thought-provoking.

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我发现这个故事发人深省。I found this story thought-provoking.

这是一张非常发人深省的图片。This is a very thought-provoking picture.

然而我们希望他们全部都能发人深省。But we hope they are all thought-provoking.

效果令人印象深刻,发人深省。The effect is impressionistic and stunning.

这是作为父母,最发人深省的真理之一。This is one of the most sobering truths about being a parent.

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对这些工厂化农场内部的一瞥会发人深省。A peak inside these factory farms would give you food for thought.

其小说创作中对人生哲理的思考与探索颇具特色,发人深省。Her unique perception on life leaves people much room fur deep thought.

我觉得可以翻译成“真遗憾,它发人深省的反思强烈得让人如此难受”。This would be a shame, as it is intensely and uncomfortably thought-provoking.

然而,对我而言,感人肺腑又发人深省的片子最吸引我。However, as for me, I am only attracted to touching and thought- provoking films.

在全国各地的国家公园里,气候变化的巨大影响是发人深省的。In national parks across the country, the impacts of climate change are sobering.

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医生的严重警告和发人深省的家族史引起了玛丽的警惕。A dire warning from her doctor and a sobering family history got Mary's attention.

平实的感情诠释,却也入木三分,发人深省。The annotation to common sensation was more than penetrating, which set people thinking.

这看起来可能有点怪,然而其最佳解释往往能发人深省。They may seem quirky but the best explanations for them often have profound implications.

整部小说短小精悍而寓意丰富,犹如一部现代寓言发人深省。The whole novel is short snappy and rich in meaning, thought-provoking like a modern fable.

但在一个同性恋可被处死的社会中,这部电影是发人深省的。But in a society where homosexuality is punishable by death, the movie is thought-provoking.

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下面是参训人员在我最近举行的公开培训班上所作的一些发人深省的言论。Here are some revealing comments from participants in a public seminar I recently conducted.

万一这一逻辑不能说服你,凯利不惜篇幅罗列了大量发人深省的事实。In case the logic doesn't persuade you, Kelly piles on page after page of thought-provoking facts.

分析家说,石油生产的现实,可能要多很多发人深省比Tarhouni建议。The reality for oil production, say analysts, might be a lot more sobering than Tarhouni suggests.