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今天是个好日子,送元宝了!The day were good luckly!

泰安金元宝。洁清洗有限公司。Taian gold bullions. Cleaning cleansing Limited.

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眼里看到的,什么都象元宝,真是个财迷心窍的民族。Everything in our sight turns into the gold ingots.

那家伙运气特别好,掉进粪坑里还能拣个金元宝。Sb. could fall into shit and come up smelling of roses !

饺子看起来像金元宝,意味来年丰衣足食。Jiao Zi looks like gold coin, implying a wealthy year ahead.

而且,饺子的形状也很像中国古代的元宝呢。What more, the shape of Jiaoxi is like the old money in China.

这天中午要吃馄饨,俗称“元宝汤”。This day noon to eat wonton, commonly known as "silver piece soup".

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表明元宝草也是一种重要的金丝桃素类药源植物。So, it is also a significant medicinal species containing hypericin.

研究了从中草药元宝草中提取金丝桃蒽酮素的工艺方法。The method of preparation of hypericin from Chinese herb is studied.

此外,饺子的形状就像是从中国古代的金元宝。Also, the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China.

市井人丛集,有换元宝还元宝等名”。Ichii were clustered, there are other names for gold ingot ingot also.

元宝针还有一个别名叫做渔夫针。There is another name for brioche stitch that is fisherman's rib stitch.

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一只老鼠穿着新衣。坐在元宝上笑嘻嘻“用英语怎么写?。A mouse wears new clothes. grinning while sitting on the shoe-shaped gold.

目的对元宝草的化学成分进行研究。OBJECTIVE To study the chemical constituents of Hypericum sampsonii Hance.

外滩,洋货,金元宝商厦,其实就是一个小市里的缩影。Bund, foreign goods, gold bullions buildings, is in fact a small city in miniature.

第一次看到人们折纸元宝,打铁勺。It was the first time that she saw people making paper ingot and people making scoop.

九妹见到这一幕,忍不住用金元宝打了金珠的头。Nine younger sister saw this scene, could not help but beat Kim head with gold ingot.

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“扬州元宝”在后世多有出土,一般长约14.5厘米,厚3厘米。"Yangzhou gold" have unearthed in later ages, generally about 14.5 cm long, 3 cm thick.

解开她衣囊,果见有三只小小金元宝、几锭碎银子。He untied her purse and sure enough he found three gold ingots and some small silver pieces.

那瘦子走上前来,请了个安,从康亲王手中接过一只元宝。The thin man came forward, bowed, and received one of the ingots from the Prince's own two hands.