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我们什么时候取消顶自卸车。We going to remove top dumper.

工人们忙着卸车。The workers were busy unloading carts.

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这是一种好奇的乔治和自卸车的书。This is a Curious George and the Dump Truck Book.

我从商店到家后就开始卸车上的货。I unloaded the car when I got home from the shops.

你可以看到第二盘和第二自卸车。You can see the second platter and the second dumper.

有时用装载机将积雪装载到自卸车上进行运输。They sometimes load snow into dump trucks for transport.

根据现场实际换工况用于大件设备的安装和卸车工作。Employed in erection of other heavy equipments and unloading works.

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卸车生产卡车,勉Fuhunago,Manzanar搬迁中心。Unloading produce truck, Tsutomu Fuhunago, Manzanar Relocation Center.

有许多替代品在获得串联轴自卸车融资。There are many alternatives in obtaining tandem axle dump truck financing.

爸爸妈妈在卸车的时候,孩子们跑去了水边。While their parents unloaded the cars, the children ran down to the water.

五六台自卸车装着填充用的沙子中那里忙碌。Half a dozen dump trucks were beetling around with loads of supplemental sand.

而就在不远处,有一辆卡车停在那里。已经有很多人在帮忙卸车了。Not so far, there was a truck packing there, and unloading was already in progress.

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环卫车、自卸车、半挂车在全国均占有一席之地。Sanitation trucks, dump truck, semi-trailer are sold across the whole country place.

克里斯是调酒和谈判,一些所谓的自卸车约翰逊欺骗时杰里显示。Chris is bartending and talks to some fool called Tipper Johnson when Jerry shows up.

是啊,那时的确没什么可做的,但是我们过去还经常到市中心去看马戏团卸车。Well, there wasn't too much to do. but we used to go down and watch the circus unload.

建设车辆包括混凝土搅拌车、混凝土泵车、自卸车等。Construction-related vehicles include mixer trucks, concrete pump trucks, dump trucks etc.

从而实现了自卸车举升机构设计的模式化、自动化、工具化。It realizes automatic design of lifting tipper mechanism and become a design pattern of it.

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以广东区域最为明显,仅一款自卸车产品的销量就达到700台以上。The most obvious in guangdong area, only a dump truck product sales reached 700 sets or above.

一辆巨型半挂自卸车猛地冲过停止信号,砰地撞上押送车的后半部分。A giant semi truck blows through the stop sign and slams into the back half of the transport van.

生产的自卸车出口到俄罗斯、中亚、东南亚、非洲等国家。Tippers produced by Shandong CIMC have been exported to Russia, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, etc.