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人们每天都会通过电波倾泻自己的不满。It pours out of the radio all day.

阳光如瀑布般倾泻。Sunshine pours down like waterfall.

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弹珠无穷尽地倾泻到大理石地面marbles pouring endlessly onto a marble floor

阳光倾泻大地把温暖洒向人间。The sun poured down its warmth upon the earth.

我感受到金光闪闪的点子从深蓝色的夜幕倾泻而下。I felt golden ideas pouring from the dark blue sky.

它向人们肆意地倾泻无情。It caving in to people indiscriminately mercilessly.

武则天从太平降世就对她倾泻了特别的关心和溺爱。Wu came from the land of the special care and favor.

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心中的词句又得以倾泻于纸页之上了。Words could once again flow from his mind to the page.

有些工厂将生产废水向海中倾泻。Liquid waste flows out from some factories into the sea.

秉持这份怜悯之情,我打开每一间小屋,让阳光都倾泻进来。Holding it, I open every room to let the sunshine flow in.

一场大雨诱发山泥倾泻冲毁了双河镇村庄,中国。A rain-induced landslide hits the village of Shuanghe in China.

人们对他真切的喜爱和情感从全国各地倾泻而来。Genuine love and affection poured in from all over the country.

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皎皎明月,倾泻神州,但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。Moon, pour China, long life, thousands of miles of the moon were.

炸弹、葡萄弹和炮弹一起向这座不设防的城市倾泻。Bombs, grapeshot and cannonballs rained upon the defenseless town.

我们创作,我们歌吟,我们表演,我们在各方面都倾泻着自己的情感。We wrote, we sang, we acted, we poured ourselves out on every side.

如果能够对能量护盾倾泻足够的火力,我们或许可以打穿它。If we dump enough into that shield we might be able to punch through.

现行的倾泻事件驱使他买毛皮衣服和硫磺。The current occurrence of torrent spurs him to buy fur and sulfur.

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那倾泻而至的爱心鼓励和力量令人肃然起敬由衷惊叹。We were awe-struck by this outpouring of love, inspiration, and energy.

与此同时进出森林的唯一道路也被倾泻的山泥封死。At the same time the only way out of the forest was shut torrent of mud.

那段时间里,每分钟约有五十万立方公尺的水从瀑布上方往下倾泻。At that time, 500000 cubic meters of water pour over the falls every minute.