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学校将不会通过恢复旧制来提高教育质量。The schools will not improve education by regressing to the old system.

新制程取代旧制程的速率主要是取决于新制程产品良率的好坏。The rate of ramp-up is influenced by yield learning of new production process.

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西晋统一南方后,孙吴旧制还有所保留。After Western Jin's south unification, some of the Kingdom Wu's system retained.

沿袭旧制不变的代价之高令人难以承受,这让一些高级官员们震惊。The price of business as usual strikes some senior officials as intolerably high.

舍弃英联邦旧制是一场赌博,没人知道最终的结果会怎样。Abandoning the old British model is a gamble and no-one knows how it will play out in terms of quality.

他在华尔街的演讲中说,导致危机的某些“旧制”又回来了。He said in a speech on Wall Street that some of the "old ways" that led to the crisis have already returned.

恢复旧制的学校除了实施周六隔周正规上课外,还将开放父母参观子女学习的情况。Saturday school will be held every other week and be open to parents to see what their children are learning.

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清朝在沿袭明朝旧制的基础上,对太医院的医事制度进行了革新。On the basis of following Ming Dynasty system, the Imperial Academy of Medicine Medical system was regenerated.

你认为「新制」的「实任制」所提供的工作保障与「旧制」是否不同?Do you believe there is any difference between the job security provided by a "substantiated" contract before and after the NPRS?

原来雷斯脱把那房子买过来之后,曾经自己改造过一番,一边造起座花房,颇象辛辛那提老家的旧制。Lester in revising the property after purchase had had a conservatory built on one side not unlike the one at home in Cincinnati.

新旧制中学体育实习教师专业成长现况中,以「与家长沟通情形」最差。Second, the researcher interviews middle and high school PE teachers who have been advisors in both new and old internship systems.

他的治理作风虽还具有过去的旧制统治模式,可是在实施国家体制转型过程上毕竟略有果效。His ruling style has been criticized as being similar to the past Soviet system, but progress has been made during this first phase of the transition period.

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他反对任何触动取代旧制的变法,抨击清廷在末年的新政,清朝灭亡后,拒绝承认民国政权。He opposes any political reform substituting old system, lashes out at new policy of Late Qing and refuses to admit the Republic regime after Qing's extinction.

采用中国湖北新、旧制土壤基层单元的划分标准和日本的土壤基层单元的设定标准进行了高场示范区土壤类型的区分。The soils of Gaochang model district were identified using new and old distinction standards of soil basic unit of Hubei, China and established standards of Japan.

为了让学生能更充份准备升学,东京两所深感升学率压力的高中已表示,四月份新学年开始时,将恢复周六上课的旧制。Under pressure to prepare students better for university, two Tokyo-area high schools have announced they will go back to a six-day week when the new school year starts in April.

他对产品细节的孜孜追求,不落沉疴旧制,极具神秘的个性,以及创造让世界为之振奋产品的欲望,都会永远铭记在苹果员工和苹果粉丝的心上。His notorious attention to detail, refusal to follow the status quo, secretive nature, and drive to create products that inspire will be missed greatly by Apple and Apple fans alike.

乃重修岳阳楼,增其旧制,刻唐贤今人诗赋于其上。Then the Yueyang Building was renovated, increasing the original scale and carving on its wall with the poems and verses written by the Masters in the Tang Dynasty and contemporaries.

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只是这一“旧制”究系那一朝的“旧制”,由于史书缺载,前人已无从考知其详。This is only the "old system" study which the Department of North Korea, the "old system", due to lack of history books to upload, our predecessors had been unable to test know-details.

尔后历代档案库,均因袭秦、汉旧制,而又各有所发展,供保存各朝皇帝的“实录”、“圣训”、“玉碟”之类的皇家档案。After the archives of the past, both Yinxi Qin and Han old system, and each has, for the preservation of the emperor in the "Record" and "Faith" and "Yu-disc" such as the Royal Archives.

自由化和废除旧制有助于培养广阔,深入和流动的资本市场,为吸引国外机构和对内投资创造有利环境。Liberalisation and deregulation opened the way to the creation of broad, deep and liquid capital markets, and established the right environment to attract foreign firms and inward investment.