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我们不敢以示弱去诱惑他们。We dare not tempt them with weakness.

这也让我们在国际上发出了示弱的信息。And it also sends a message of weakness internationally.

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现代的男人依然承袭着勇敢和不示弱的古老传统。Modern men still carry the ancient legacy of being brave and showing no weaknesses.

挪开视线是示弱的信号,于是它可能会欺负你。Looking away wil signa to your cat that you are weak, and an attack is likely to follow.

葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔说。And Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody, "said Zissel.

再看那田赛场上的运动员,也个个摩拳擦掌,毫不示弱。Look at those athletes on the infield , but also everybody gearing up no sign of weakness.

当国际社会显得犹豫不决时,这会被认为是在示弱。And when the international community shows hesitation, this is being perceived as weakness.

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不过,也有人认为这相当于一种示弱,有助于化解敌意,增进亲密。However, some think it may help diffuse confrontation or foster intimacy by revealing weakness.

那家伙向她打喊大叫,她不示弱给他个耳光,他回敬了她一拳,把她的下巴打脱臼了。The guy shouted, Clara shouted, she slapped him, he responded with a punch that dislocated her jaw.

“出口商很强大,但我们也不能示弱,”马达加斯加总理卡米尔·维塔在最近一次接受采访时表示。“The exporters are strong, but so are we,” Prime Minister Camille Vital said in a recent interview.

亨俊找熙贞说自己也会做出狠事,两人都不示弱。Hang handsome looking for xian zhen said he would make a malicious things, two people do not show weakness.

直至最后一刻,玛德琳还在毫无来由地希望,这种示弱的表现也许实际上正是一种坚强。Up to the last moment, Madeleine had the crazy hope that this expression of weakness might in fact be strength.

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葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔说。“我就喜欢他这一点。”Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody, "said Zissel. "That's what I like about him. "

弗里德伯格写道,“在自由问题上的示弱既不会消除多少中国领导人的顾虑,也不会让其信心增加多少”。As Friedberg writes, "Soft-pedaling talk of freedom will not reassure China's leaders as much as it will embolden them."

葛德华“也许会得罪一些人,但他对谁也不会示弱,”齐塞尔说。“我就喜欢他这一点。”And Koch "might ruffle a few feather, but he never backed off from anybody, "said Zissel. "That's what I like about him. "

李秀梅要和王葡萄比试一下身手,王葡萄并不示弱,她和李秀梅在秋千上比起单手来。And king grape xiu-mei li to a test, the king grape is not weakness, she and xiu-mei li compared with one hand on the swing.

美国的一些保守派认为克林顿此行是在示弱,很可能会引发更多类似的绑架。In America some conservatives have grumbled that Mr Clinton’s trip was an act of obeisance that encourages further kidnapping.

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在当天的小演员中要数澳宝幼儿园的小朋友最小了,不过她们人虽小,但强烈地表演欲望却一点也示弱哦。Although they were the youngest kids in the competition, but the desire they had for dancing was no less than the other older children.

如果中国在这种情况下改革起货币政策,无论对于国内外都是一种尴尬的示弱信号。If China reformed its currency regime under such circumstances, it would appear as an embarrassing sign of weakness both at home and abroad.

林肯内阁官员反对这项方案。他们谆告林肯不要向国会发表此案,说此举有向南方示弱之嫌。Lincoln 's cabinet officers rejected the program. They urged him not to send it to Congress. They said it would be seen as a sign of weakness.