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你倒闲情逸致到中国旅游!You're so relaxing making tourism to China!

本周日,你会有闲情逸致做些大胆的发现。This Sunday, set your thoughts free and make a bold discovery.

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他们总是在奔波忙碌,没有闲情逸致去玩乐器或写诗词。They were too busy to play the fiddle or write pieces of poetry.

我从来没有进过咖啡店,自然品味不了那番闲情逸致。I never entered a cafe, natural taste not the kindness benefit-pursuing.

有与市井文化靠拢的热情,又不失名士对闲情逸致的追求。He loved not only philistine culture but also leisurely and carefree mood.

公交车穿过城镇,驶向郊区,车上的狗狗闲情逸致地欣赏着沿路风景。The bus travels through the town and out into the suburbs, the dog looking at the scenery.

我们的生活节奏越来越快。怎样在日常的生活压力中保持闲情逸致?Our lives become faster and faster. How to retain equanimity and balance in the stress of daily life?

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现在正是评估预算和优先事项的好时候。本周日,你会有闲情逸致做些大胆的发现。Now is a good time to reassess budgets and priorities. This Sunday, set your thoughts free and make a bold discovery.

大学变得更少的闲情逸致和更多的打造阅历和建立人际关系。University is becoming less a time for lazing around and more about building up experiences and creating connections.

不管你是要闲情逸致的旅游或者是参加派对狂欢,纽奥良都能满足您的需求。Whether you want to travel to relax or join in spirited partying, New Orleans offers the tourist the best of both worlds.

不管尊贵与否,总有些顾客没有那么多闲情逸致,不愿为一杯手冲滴滤咖啡等上太长时间。There's dignified, however, and then there are angry patrons who don't want to wait for a hand-poured cup of filter coffee.

远离尘嚣,在鹿嘴山庄享受徜徉于原始生态间的闲情逸致,让你的心灵回归。Away from the hubbub, Villa in the mouth to enjoy the deer wander among the original ecological pursuits, let your mind return.

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更何况我正怀着恋情,而那恋情又把我带到一处纷纭而微妙的境地,根本不容我有欣赏周围风景的闲情逸致。Moreover, I was in love, and the love brought me to such a confused and subtle circumstance that I did not have the mood to enjoy the ambient scenery.

我们的写者往往写起来轻松,充满闲情逸致、轶闻趣事。中国读者也许不喜欢这种风格,所以当地的写手轻车熟路。Our authors tend to write in a casual, anecdotal sense but that might not make sense to Chinese readers, so local authors will have a hand in the writing.

至今还没有人将折扇形式引入当代艺术,它似乎只能体现闲情逸致。Up to today, no other artists have introduced such an art form into the modern arts as it seems to be simply an expression of leisurely and carefree mood.

晚明小品文具有超然洒脱的闲情逸致,崇尚大自然的幽情别致,重视个体感性的存在、世俗需求和身体的快乐。Essays in Late Ming Dynasty advocate exquisite feeling of nature to be unique, stress emphasis on the individual perceptual existence and common custom demand and bodily joy.

而现实生活中的农村并非如此,或者说,农民眼中的农村并非如此,他们没有这样的闲情逸致,他们活得很累,很沉重。And the country in real life is not such, perhaps say, the country in farmer eye is not such, they do not have such leisurely and carefree mood, they live very tiredly, very heavy.

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南唐诗歌中的“闲情”还是唐宋文学流变中从“绮思艳情”到“闲情逸致”转化的重要一环。"Leisure feelings" is an important link when the literature of Tang and Song Dynasties transformed from "the beautiful ideas and passionate feelings" to "leisure feelings and comfort".