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它的核心部件是一个轴对称壳谐振子。Its key part is a axisymmetric shell vibra-tory.

建筑具浓郁楚风,呈一主两翼、中轴对称。Chu building a strong wind, was a main wings, axial symmetry.

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来自H01的近红外J波图像是轴对称的的延伸图像。The J-band image from H01 is elongated and axially symmetric.

建立了轴对称件拉深法兰起皱的数学模型。An analytical model is established for axisymmetric parts in deep drawing.

在工程设计中,我们经常采用轴对称容器。The axial symmetry container is usually applied in the engineering design.

介绍了一种轴对称非球面透镜的光轴共轴度的测量方法。A method to measure coaxiality of axisymmetric aspheric lens is introduced.

研究了轴对称拉伸各向异性材料的过程。The process of axisymmetric drawing of anisotropic materials is considered.

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该方法直接得到非轴对称的屈曲模态。Modes of the non-axisymmetric buckling were obtained by the proposed method.

这是个抛物线,因此关于P点轴对称。This is a parabola, so it's completely symmetric about the vertical, about P.

我们首先导出了带有电场的轴对称五维场方程。Five-dimensional axisymmetric equations with electrostatic fields are derived.

计算了轴对称壳获得了一些有益的结论。Through computation of axisymmetric shells, some useful conclusions are drawn.

对于非轴对称混凝土板,影响其冲切破坏形态的因素主要是荷载的作用位置。Load position is main influence factor for non-axisymmetric slab's failure mode.

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子母弹是由多种材料组成,结构近似为轴对称形式。Shrapnel is made of many materials and its structure seems to be axial symmetry.

在轴对称情况下,此解可以由勒让德函数所表示。Under axisymmetric condition, the solution can be represented by Legendre functions.

考虑到结构的轴对称性质,分析时采用了半分析有限元法。According to axi-symmetry of shaft, the semi-analytical finite element method is used.

这是非轴对称端壁造型能够减小涡轮叶栅二次流损失的根本原因。This is the key point which makes non-axisymmetric endwall profiling work effectively.

讨论了一种轴对称动态黑洞的性质。The properties of a kind of axially symmetric non-stationary black holes are discussed.

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建立了取样管与沉积物接触的二维轴对称有限元模型。A two-dimensional axisymmetric finite element model of sampling tube and sediments is built.

介绍了轴对称光学非球面镜超精密加工的新方法。A new form generation method for ultra-precision axisymmetric aspheric mirrors is introduced.

KBA显微镜是一种非轴对称、非共轴的掠入射成像系统。KBA microscope is a type of non-symmetrical and non-coaxial grazing incidence imaging system.