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大隆水利枢纽工程是海南省的重点工程。Dalong Water Control Project is a key project in Hainan Province.

尼尔基水利枢纽是嫩江干流控制性工程。Nierji water complex is a control project in Nenjiang river mainstream.

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幸亏有世界银行资助的一项水利枢纽工程,咸海的北端将被保留下来。Thanks to a World Bank-funded dam project, the sea’s northern tip will be preserved.

廖坊水利枢纽是抚河流域规划中的开发项目。The Liaofang hydro-junction is the development item in program of Fuhe River valley.

尼尔基水利枢纽工程渗流稳定分析简化为平面稳定渗流。The stability analysis in Nierji Project is simplified as the plane seepage analysis.

三峡水利枢纽工程是开发治理长江的关键工程。Three Gorges Project is the key project for developing and harnessing the Yangtze River.

为万家寨水利枢纽工程和引黄工程龙头所在地。For Wanjiazhai Yellow River Water Control Project and the location of the project leader.

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王甫洲水利枢纽泄水闸工程是整个枢纽能否安全运行的关键工程。The WP water release sluice is a key construction to ensure safe operation of the project.

论文以紫坪铺水利枢纽工程区软岩特性研究及其对坝区边坡的敏感性分析为题。The characteristics of soft rock and the slope sensitiveness are researched in this paper.

三峡水利枢纽工程永久船闸高边坡支护中,大量使用了预应力锚索。Prestressed anchor-cable is used in large quantities for high slopes of TGP permanent lock.

洮河九甸峡水库是一座综合利用水利枢纽。Jiudianxia Reservior is a multipurpose water conservancy complex constructed on Taohe river.

中国青铜峡黄河水利枢纽工程拦河坝合拢截流。The barrage closure works of Qingtongxia Key Water Control Project on Yellow River in China.

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尼尔基水利枢纽的挡水建筑物为心墙土石坝。The water retaining structure of Nierji water complex is the earth- rock dam with core wall.

万家寨水利枢纽是黄河中游干流上的大型水利枢纽工程。Wanjiazhai hydro project is a large hydro project on the middle trunk stream of Yellow River.

葛洲坝水利枢纽工程是长江干流上兴建的第一座大型水利工程。Gezhouba Water Control Project across the river, the Gezhouba Dam, the River, Xiba and Sanjiang.

尼尔基水利枢纽工程位于嫩江干流上,是嫩江干流上唯一大型控制性水利工程。The Nierji water complex is only big dominant water project in the main stream of Nenjiang river.

本文着重介绍了万安水利枢纽水工模型试验研究的主要成果。The main results of the hydraulic model study for the Wan'an Project are presented in this paper.

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尼尔基水利枢纽是嫩江干流上第一座控制性的大型水利工程。Nierji water complex is the first dominant big hydro project in the main stream of Nenjiang river.

升船机是三峡水利枢纽工程的主要通航建筑物之一。The ship lift is one of the navigation facilites of the Three Gorges Project on the Yangtze River.

长江三峡水利枢纽是治理开发长江的关键性骨干工程。The Three Gorges Project is the backbone project for the regulation and development of the Yangtze.