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尽是神仙流品。Goods flow to the gods.

基金落袋,恰似神仙。Fund pocket, like the gods.

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我是在找我的神仙姐姐。I 'm searching for my angle.

为什么会在中国形成神仙观念?Why did it take shape in China?

正好我也要去神仙湾呢。I am also going to Shenxian Lake.

善良的神仙想着这个问题。The good spirit thought about this.

神仙居为一巨型二长花岗岩滚石。It is a huge adamellite rolling rock.

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深山中,动物过着神仙的生活。In remote mountain, animal deity life.

我,身在夏日的天堂,像是神仙。Me myself in the summer heaven, godlike.

神仙世界也是戒备森严的。Even the celestial world is heavily guarded.

惠州同时又是一座“神仙”集中的城市。Huizhou is also considered a city of deities.

神仙鱼是易于饲养的慈鲷科鱼种。Angelfish are an easy-to-keep cichlid species.

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于是这位善良的神仙每天晚上收集木柴。So the good spirit collected wood every night.

神仙姐姐告诉我通过那个洞我们就可以到家了。Fairy Sister told me it was the door to go home.

我可能也有机会变成神仙哦。I may have a chance to become an immortal myself.

如果一个神仙出现,你会许哪三个愿望呢?If a genie appeared, what would your 3 wishes be?

神仙居住的蓬莱岛究竟在何方?Where are the islands on which the immortals lived?

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这使得“神仙”信仰自先秦以来长盛不衰。This makes the gods faith lasting since the pre-Qin.

1987年后他着手处理了处于高层的“神仙”们。After 1987 he set out to kick the Immortals upstairs.

灰神仙鱼是常见的居民珊瑚礁。Gray angelfish are common inhabitants of coral reefs.